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Cassia fistula - Aragvadha

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[[File:Konnamaram.JPG|thumb|right|''Cassia fistula'']]
 '''Cassia fistula''' known as the golden rain tree, canafistula and by other names, . It is a flowering plant in the family Fabaceae. The species is native to the Indian subcontinent and adjacent regions of Southeast Asia. It ranges from southern Pakistan eastward throughout India to Myanmar and Thailand and south to Sri Lanka.  
{{Uses|Fever}}, {{Uses|Skin diseases}}, {{Uses|Rheumatic diseases}}, {{Uses|Cervical lyrnphadenitis}}, {{Uses|Cardiac diseases}}, {{Uses|Worm Infestations}}, {{Uses|Abdominal pain}}.
==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|Fruit pulp}}, {{Parts Used|Bark}}, {{Parts Used|rootRoot}}
==Chemical Composition==
Pulp of the pod contains anthraquinone glycosides, sennosides A and B, rhein and its glucoside, barbaloin,aloin, formic acid, butyric acid, their ethyl esters and oxalic acid. Presence of pectin and tannin is also reported. Seeds gave galactomannan free sugars and free amino acids. Flowers gave ceryl alcohol, kaempferol, rhein and a bianthraquinone glycoside, fistulin. Leaves gave free rhein, its glycosides—sennosides A and B.<ref name="chemical composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Leaf|alternateAlternate|pinnatePinnate|20 to 40 cm long pinnate, leaflets in 4 to 6 pairs, colour greenish, ovate with numerous nerves}}
{{Flower|Unisexual|5 petals|bright Bright yellowish|10 stemens|Lax pendulous racemes flowering season February to April }}
{{Fruit|cylindrical Cylindrical pod|30 to 45cm long|brownish Brownish black in colour|flatFlat, testa very hard, smooth, numerous, present between the pulp|}}
===Other features===
==Where to get the saplings==
==Mode of Propagation==
{{Propagation|cuttingsCuttings}}, {{Propagation|layeringLayering}}, {{Propagation|vegetativeVegetative}}
==How to plant/cultivate==
Seed. The seeds have a hard seed coat and germination is improved by mechanical scarification or treatment with concentrated sulphuric acid for at least 45 minutes. Pre-soaking for 12 - 24 hours in warm water can also be tried. The seed should be sown in full light, and adequate water supply is required for optimal germination - the seed can increase three times in weight by absorbing water. Germination takes place within a few days. Direct sowing is practised in Asia. Seed can be stored for prolonged periods without loss of viability. Cuttings of half ripe wood.<ref name="Cultivation details"/>
==Commonly seen growing in areas==

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