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Acanthospermum hispidum - Kadle mullu

401 bytes added, 5 years ago
{{Leaf|Simple|Opposite|Leaves 2-4 x 1-2 cm, ovate, apex acute, entire. }}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Heads|Axillary|Yellow||Heads 4-5 mm long, axillary, sessile; receptacle paleate; bracts 1-seriate, 5 mm long. Outer row of flowers female, ligulate, yellow, 3-lobed at apex. Inner flowers bisexual; corolla 2 mm long, tubular, 5-toothed at apex, yellow.}}
{{Fruit|Achenes|5 x 3 mm|||obovate, with two diverging long spines at apex, compressed; pappus absent.|}}
===Other features===

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