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Limonia acidissima - Kapitha

594 bytes added, 5 years ago
{{Leaf|SimplePinnate|alternate|The leaves are divided into Imparipinnate, alternate, 1-3in a cluster, estipulate; rachis 60-6 toothed 80 mm long, stout, glabrous, often narrowly winged; leaflets4-7, opposite, sessile, estipellate; lamina 1.3-3.8 × 1.3 cm, obovate, base cuneate or acute, apex obtuse, margin entire, glabrous, pellucid-punctate, with smaller leaflets in betweencoriaceous; lateral nerves pinnate, obscure, intercostae obscure.}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|UnisexualPolygamous|21-4cm long3 cm across|Yellow|510-12|In dull red, 1.3 cm across, in axillary or terminal racemescymes; calyx small, flat, 5-toothed, pubescent with out, deciduous; petals 5, free, spreading; stamens 10-12, inserted round the disc; filaments dilated below, villous on face and margins; anthers linear-oblong; disc thick, annular, pubescent; pistillode short; ovary superior, oblong, fragrant5-6-celled, creamat length 1-celled, ovules many; stigma oblong, fusiform. Flowering from January-March}}
{{Fruit|simpleBerry|5-7.6 cm across|7–10 mm|A berryglobose, globosewhitish-brown, rind hard and woody. Seeds ; seeds many, oblong, compressed|embedded in pulp|many}}
===Other features===

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