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{{Flower|Bisexual| Spikes terminal or axillary; peduncle 2-4.5 cm; bracteoles 3, ovate, 1.2 mm, ciliate. Flowers sub sessile, in spikes, 3-merous, bisexual, 3 mm across. Tepals 6, free, unequal, 3+3, truncate, obtuse; outer lobes ovate-orbicular, 1.2 mm, ciliate; inner lobes obovate, 2.5 mm. Fertile stamens 9; filaments 1.5 mm; glands sessile; anthers 2-celled, 1.5 mm; staminodes 3, to 1 mm. Ovary 1.5 mm; style 0.5mm; stigma capitate.}}
<ref name="Flower"/>
{{Fruit|A drupe||Drupe globose, enclosed within inflated perianth, crowned by lobes; seed 1.||}}
<ref name="Uses">http://www.ayurvedavignan.com/2011/08/adenanthera-pavonina.html "Uses"]</ref>
<ref name="LeafFlower">[http://FLOWERING PLANTS OF KERALA VER.2, N. Sasidharan "BOTANIC DESCRIPTION"]</ref>
<ref name="Common names">[http://envis.frlht.org/bot_search "Vernacular names"]</ref>