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Ayurwiki:Featured Page/November

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[[File:Artocarpus hirsutus - Wild Jack, Jungle JackBoerhaavia diffusa.jpg|thumb|right|''Wild JackPunarnava'',''Jungle JackBoerhavia diffusa'']]
'''Artocarpus hirsutusPunarnava''' is a tree seen species of flowering plant in evergreen the four o'clock family which is commonly known as punarnava. It is taken in herbal medicine for pain relief and semi-evergreen forests from south Maharashtra to Kanyakumariother uses. The leaves of punarnava are often used as a green vegetable in many parts of India.
'''Uses:'''PimplesObesity, Cracks in SkinDropsy, SoresBlood pressure, DiarrhoeaGastric disturbances, Skin diseasesAsthma, Intrinsic haemorrhageJaundice, Poisons.'''Chemical Composition:'''The Artocarpus species are rich in phenolic compounds including flavonoidsAnascara, stilbenoidsAnaemia, arylbenzofurons and JacalinInternal inflammation, a lectinIndurated liver.
'''Chemical Composition:''' Major components are sitosterol, Esters of sitosterol, Punarnavine, Boerhaavia acid, Boeravinone, Palmitic acid and many other compounds are present in this plant.
 <div style="float:right;"><span style="width: 100%; background-color: #90EE90cef2e0; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; text-align: right; clear: right; margin-left: 0;">[[Artocarpus hirsutus Boerhavia diffusa - Wild Jack, Jungle JackPunarnava|Read more]]</span></div>

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