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Varādi Guggulu

301 bytes added, 6 years ago
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'''Varaadi Varādi Guggulu''' vati is a preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation Composition given below with Guggulu as the basic ingredient
==Formulation composition==
| Har¢tak¢ Harītakī API|| [[Terminalia chebula]]|| P.|| 4 g
|Bibh¢taka Bibhītaka API ||[[Terminalia belerica ]] ||P. ||4 g
| Ëmalak¢ Āmalakī API ||[[Emblica officinalis]]|| P.|| 4 g
|Nimba API ||[[Azadirachta indica ]] ||St. Bk.|| 12 g
| Arjuna AP||I [[Terminalia arjuna ]] ||St. Bk.|| 12 g
| A¿vattha Aśvattha API ||[[Ficus religiosa ]] ||St. Bk. ||12 g
| Khadira S¡ra (Khadira API)|| [[Acacia catechu]]|| Wd. extract ||12 g
| Asana API ||[[Pterocarpus marsupium ]]||Ht. Wd.|| 12 g
| V¡saka Vāsaka (V¡s¡ Vāsā API) ||[[Adhatoda zeylanica]]|| Rt.|| 12 g
| Guggulu API - áuddha śuddha ||Commiphora wightii|| O. R.|| 84 g
==Method of preparation==
*Take all the ingredients of the pharmacopoeial quality.
*Treat Guggulu to prepare Guggulu -shuddhaśuddha.
*Wash, clean, dry the ingredients numbered 1 to 7 of the Formulation Composition, powder separately and pass through 180 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 85) to obtain fine powder and mix them all to a homogeneous mixture.
*Crush weighed quantity of shuddhaśuddha-Guggulu, add fine powder of other mixed ingredients to it and pound well. Add Ghrta Ghṛta to an extent required to facilitate the pounding and continue pounding till a semi-solid uniformly mixed mass of suitable plasticity is obtained.
*Expel the mass through vati machine to obtain cylindrical threads and cut the vatis to a desired weight.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
==Therapeutic uses==
*Upadasa Upadaṃśa (syphilis/soft chancre), RakatadoÀa Rakatadoṣa (blood disorders), Dushtavrana Duṣṭavraṇa (non-healing ulcer).
*Triphala kvathaTriphalā kvātha, Maujishtadi kvathaMañjiṣṭhādi kvātha, UshnodakaUṣṇodaka
==Physico-chemical parameters==
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