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Paṅcāmṛta lauha Guggulu

1,386 bytes added, 6 years ago
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{{stub}}'''Panchamrtha Loha Paṅcāmṛta lauha Guggulu''' Vati is a brown spherical pill preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Guggulu as the basic ingredient.
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"| Rasa (Śuddha Pārada API)|| Mercury ||||48 g|-| Gandhaka (Śuddha API)|| Sulphur|||| 48 g|-| Tāra (Rajata Bhasma API) ||Calcined Rajata|||| 48 g|-| Abhra (Abhraka Bhasma API) ||Calcined Abhraka|||| 48 g|-| Mākṣika (Bhasma API) ||Calcined M¡kÀika|||| 48 g|-| Lauha (Bhasma API) ||Calcined Lauha 96|||| g|-| Guggulu (Śuddha API)|| Commiphora wightii ||O.R. ||336 g|-| Kaṭu Taila API || Brassica campestris Sd. oil || Q. S. || |}
==Method of preparation==
*Take all the ingredients of the pharmacopoeial quality.
*Weigh separately the ingredients numbered 2 to 6 of the formulation composition separately and pass through sieve numbered 85 in the required quantities and mix.
*Prepare [[Kajjali ]] from shuddha Parada Śuddha Pārada and shuddha Śuddha Gandhaka.*Crush weighed quantity of shuddha Śuddha Guggulu, add fine powder of other mixed ingredients to it and pound well. Add Katu Taila to an extent required to facilitate the pounding and continue pounding till tment), Vataroga (Disease due to Vata Dosha).ill a semisolid uniformly mixed mass of suitable plasticity is obtained.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/> ==Description==*Dark brown spherical pills with pleasant odour, sandy sensation on tongue with no characteristic taste. ==Storage==*Store in a cool place in tightly closed container, protect from light and moisture. ==Therapeutic uses==*Mastiṣkaroga (Brain disease), Snāyurujā (Pain in liga) ==Dose==*125 - 250 mg twice a day. ==Anupāna==*Water and milk. ==Physico-chemical parameters=={| class="wikitable"|Loss on drying||Not more than 24 per cent|-|Total ash|| Not more than 36 per cent|-|Acid-insoluble ash||Not more than 36 per cent|-|Alcohol-soluble extractive||Not less than 12 per cent|-|Water-soluble extractive||Not less than 17 per cent|-|pH (1% aqueous solution)||5.0 to 5.5|}
[[Category:Ayurvedic Medicine]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Brain disease]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Pain in liga]]

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