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Charak pharma pvt ltd

1,027 bytes removed, 6 years ago
Presently available in market
==List of Products==
===Presently available in market===
* Addyzoa CapsuleJothish Brahmi Bottle* ADDYZOA TABLETALKA Kavya Hair Oil* 5 SyrupAlsarex Forte * Tablet* ALSAREX * TABLETCALCURY TABLET* Cephagraine * Nasal * DropsCharak * Aptizooom * SyrupCharak * Calcury * TabletCharak * Cephagraine Tablet * Charak Ojus Syrup* Charak Pigmento Tablet* Charak Spasma Syrup* CHROPAXE TABLET* Cognium Tablet* Cytozen Capsule* Evanova Capsule* Evenshade Kumkumadilepam Face Cream* Extrammune Tablet* Femiforte Tablet* Femiplex Tablet* Hyponidd Tablet* Kofol Lozenges Mint* M2TONE FORTE SYRUP* M2TONE * SYPM2TONE * SYPM2TONE TABLET* MANOLL NATURAL HEALTH TONIC* MOHA MOISTURIZING LOTION* Neo Tablet* OJUS SYP* Ostolief * Nutra Tablet* OSTOLIFE TABLET* PALLRYWYN FORTE TABLET* PIGMENTO OINTMENT * PACKPIGMENTO TABLET* PILIEF TABLET* PROSTEEZ TABLET* REGULAX FORT TABLET* Regulax Forte Tablet* RICHELTH CAPSULE* Rymanyl Capsule* SKINELLE CREAM* SPASMA SYP* Spasma Syrup* Stop-Ibs Tablet* STOPIBS TABLET* TAKZEMA OINT* Takzema Ointment* TAKZEMA TABLET* Urtiplex Anti-Itch Lotion* URTIPLEX CAPSULE* URTIPLEX LOTION* Vigomax Forte Tablet* VIGOROLL JELLY* Vomiteb Syrup* ZZOWIN TABLETHealth Mix Powder.<ref name="Presently available in market"/>
===List of proprietary products===

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