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'''Dhanurasana (DAH-noo-RAH-sah-nah[1][needs IPA]; Sanskrit: धनुरासन; IAST: Dhanurāsana), ''' or the Bow Poseis one of the 12 basic Hatha Yoga poses. It is also one of the three main back stretching exercises. It gives the entire back a good stretch, or sometimes Urdva Chakrasana (Upward Wheel Pose) is an asanathus imparting flexibility as well as strength to the back.
== Etymology Technique==# Begin with lying down on your belly with your hands on either side of your torso and palms facing upwards.# Keep both legs a bit apart. Relax your whole body.# Now while exhaling, bend your knees and bring your heels as close to your buttocks as possible.# Now, slowly fold your knees up and hold your ankles with your hands.# Then raise your chin and then bend your head and neck backwards. The chest should still be touching the ground. Inhale slowly and pull your legs up.# Keep raising your head, neck, chin, chest, thighs and knees backwards, such that only the navel region is touching the ground. Balance your body on the navel region.# Hold your breath and maintain this posture until you feel the strain in your back.# Remain in this position for 20-30 seconds. Then slowly go back to the original position, lying quietly for a few breaths.<ref name="Technique"/>
The name comes from the Sanskrit words Dhanura (धनुर, Dhanura) meaning "bow", and [[Asanas]] (आसन, Āsana) meaning "posture" or "seat".==Technique in pictures/animation==
== Description ==
* Effective in weight loss, improves digestion and appetite.
* Helps to cure dyspepsia (obesity), rheumatism and gastrointestinal problems, cures constipation.
* Improves blood circulation, gives flexibility to the back, strengthens back muscles.
* Improve the function of liver, pancreas, small intestine and big intestine.
* Act as a stress reliever, strengthens ankles, thighs, groins, chest, and abdominal organs.
* Cure menstruation disorder, improve function of kidney and liver.
* It improves posture, releases back pain, cures respiratory disorder like asthama.
* Helpful is stimulating reproductive organs.
* Improve function of the pancreas and it is beneficial in diabetes.<ref name="Effects"/>
First the practitioner should lie prone and grasp the feet to lift the leg and chest to form a bow. Remain in this position for some time and then return to the previous position.==Related Asanas==* [[Bhujangasana]]* [[Salabhasana]]* [[Supta Virasana]]* [[Virasana]]* [[Urdhva Mukha Svanasana]]* [[Setu Bandhasana]]* [[Sarvangasana]]
== Benefits Special requisites==
Benefits of Bow Pose (Dhanurāsana)==Initial practice notes==When you start off, as a beginner, it might be difficult to lift your thighs off the floor. You can roll up a blanket and place it beneath your thighs to give them support to pull up.<ref name="Initial practice notes"/>
*Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles==References== <references> <ref name="Technique">[ "Methodology"]</ref> *Stimulates the reproductive organs<ref name="Initial practice notes">[’sTips "Beginers tips"]</ref> *Opens up the chest, neck and shoulders<ref name="Effects">[ "Benefits"]</ref> </references>*Tones the leg and arm muscles.*Adds greater flexibility to the back.==External Links==*Good stress and fatigue buster[]*Relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation[]*Helps people with renal (kidney) disorders[http://www.*It provides relief from]

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