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Senna auriculata - Avaram senna

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'''Senna auriculata''' is a legume tree in the subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It is commonly known by its local names '''matura tea tree, ranawara''' or '''avaram''', (Kannada: ಆವರಿಕೆ āvarike, Telugu: తంగేడు taṃgēḍu, Tamil: ஆவாரை āvārai) or the English version avaram senna.
It occurs in the dry regions of India and Sri Lanka. It is common along the sea coast and the dry zone in Sri Lanka.
== Description Uses== Avaram senna is a much branched shrub with smooth cinnamon brown bark and closely pubescent brachlets.{{Uses|Wounds}}, {{Uses|Cuts}}, {{Uses|Snakebites}}, {{Uses|Curing liver disorders}}, {{Uses|Skin eruptions}}, {{Uses|Blotches}}, {{Uses|Pimples}}, {{Uses|Diarrhea}}, {{Uses|Sore throats}}<ref name="Uses"/>
The leaves are alternate==Parts Used=={{Parts Used|Dried Folaige}}, stipulate, paripinnate compound, very numerous, closely placed, rachis 8.8-12.5 cm long, narrowly furrowed, slender, pubescent, with an erect linear gland between the leaflets of each pair, leaflets 16-24, very shortly stalked 2-2.5 cm long 1-1.3 cm broad, slightly overlapping, oval oblong, obtuse, at both ends, mucronate, glabrous or minutely downy, dull green, paler beneath, stipules very large, reniform-rotund, produced at base on side of next petiole into a filliform point and persistent{{Parts Used|Whole herb}}.
Its flowers are irregular==Chemical Composition==Contains volatile oils, bisexualflavonoids, bright yellow and large (nearly 5 cm across)apigenin, luteolin, the pedicels glabrous and 2.5 cm long. The racemes are few-floweredquercetin, shortkaempferol, erecttiliroside, crowded in axils of upper leaves so as to form a large terminal inflorescence stamens barren; the ovary is superiortriterpene glycosides including euscapic acid and tormentic acid, unilocularphenolic acids, with marginal ovulesand 3%–21% tannins.<ref name="chemical composition"/>
The fruit is a short legume, 7.5–11 cm long, 1.5 cm broad, oblong, obtuse, tipped with long style base, flat, thin, papery, undulately crimpled, pilose, pale brown. 12-20 seeds per fruit are carried each in its separate cavity.==Common names=={{Common names|kn=|ml=|sa=|ta=|te=|hi=|en=Agrimony}}
== Uses Habit=={{Habit|Herb}}
*This plant is said to contain a cardiac glucoside (sennapicrin) and sap, leaves and bark yield anthraquinones, while the latter contains tannins.==Identification=====Leaf===*The root is used in decoctions against fevers, diabetes, diseases of urinary system and constipation. {{Leaf|Simple||The leaves have laxative properties. *The dried flowers and flower buds are used as a substitute for tea in case of diabetes patients.* In Africa the bark and seeds are said to give relief divided into 3-6 toothed leaflets, with smaller leaflets in rheumatism, eye diseases, gonorrhea, diabetes and goutbetween}}.<ref name="Leaf"/>
==Common name=Flower==={{Flower|Unisexual|2-4cm long|Yellow|5-20|Flowers Season is June - August}}
===Fruit==={{Fruit||7–10 mm (0.28–0.4 in.) long pome|clearly grooved lengthwise, Lowest hooked hairs aligned towards crown|With hooked hairs|}} ===Other features=== ==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==* [[Vishatinduka Taila]] as ''root juice extract''English ==Where to get the saplings====Mode of Propagation=={{Propagation|Seeds}}, {{Propagation|Cuttings}}. ==How to plant/cultivate==Easily grown in most soils[21][22], preferring a calcareous soil. Thrives in a dry lightly shaded position[16], though it prefers full sun.Plants usually self-sow quite freely when growing in a suitable position[19]. The seeds are contained in burrs that can easily attach themselves to clothing or animal's fur, thus transporting them to a new area where they can germinate and grow.The cultivar 'Sweet scented' is popular in France for making tea because the whole plant is sweet scented and the flowers have a spicy apricot- Avaram sennalike fragrance<ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/> ==Commonly seen growing in areas=={{Commonly seen|dry regions of India}}, {{Commonly seen|sea coast}}, {{Commonly seen|dry zone in Sri Lanka}}.  ==Photo Gallery==<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">File:Odermennig.jpgFile:Agrimonia eupatoria02.jpg Image:Agrimonia eupatoria MHNT.BOT.2004.0.jpg</gallery> ==References== * '''Kannada''' <references> <ref name="chemical composition">[ "sciencedirect"]</ref><ref name="Leaf">[ ಆವರಿಕೆagrimony.html "wayback machine"]</ref>* '''Hindi''' <ref name="Uses">[ तरवड़images/ "traditional medicine"]</ref><ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ "practical palnts"]</ref></references> ==External Links==
== External Links ==
*[ Senna auriculata]

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