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Significans of Mudras
Through perseverance in meditation and contemplation, the Rishis and Yogis made innumerable discoveries. They could awaken Kundalini power and qcquired vitality. They also achieved clairvoyance, clairaudience and telepathy. They perceived the cosmic sound, formed thirty three alphabets of sanskrit language and realized mantras and mudras for physical, mental and spiritual well being.
Nature was their laboratory. They realized that there are innumerable species in nature but among them the man is unique in many aspects. He can think, express his ideas, can rediscover the higher planes of spirit hidden within him. The discriminative faculty - the intellect is the rarest gift of nature to man.
[hide]Man's constitution is based on a particular balance of:
- Five fundamental vital elements - Agni, Vayu, Akasha, Pruthvi and Jala.
- five winds (air) - Prana, Apana, Udana, Samana and Vyana.
- Three doshas - Kapha, Vata and Pitta.
Man is not only the mind-body but also emotions and desires. Therefore the Rishis and Yogis designed Dharma - the set of ethical rules that would complete the process of his evolution in a profound manner. To aid in adherence of Dharma, they combined mudras and mantras with :
- Worship
- The performance of Sandhya Vandana at dawn and dusk and
- Japa - the repetition of the divine name of God.
The gross and subtle elements:
- The whole universe is composed of five dense or gross elements. These elements exist everywhere and in all things in an infinite variety and proportion that is why we see such an enormous diversity of life.
- Each element is composed of one main element that makes up 50% of it and the other four elements combine to make up other 50%. For example, in Prithvi, the main element is Prithvi and it comprises 50% while the rest 50% is comprised of other four elements. These are all in pure form and are called Tanmatras.
Elements In sanskrit language
- Space - Akasha
- Air - Vayu
- Fire - Agni
- Water - Jala
- Earth - Prithvi
Good health is the natural consequence of the balance and controlled functioning of each of these five elements. Mudras help to manifest balance in these elements and help to regain health. All matter including the human body is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of smaller particles. The three main particles making up an atom are the proton, the neutron and the electron. When electrons move between the atoms, a current of electricity is created. Within the human body this electricity is called bioelectricity. This electricity flows in channel called nerves. According to tantra two necessary nerves flow on both sides of the spine. The left one is called Ida-Para sympathetic and right one is called - Pingala - sympathetic. In between these nerves flows the channel called Sushumna. Ida, pingala and Sushumna are connected to the brain. There is space between two vertebrae which is occupied by nerves flowing to various parts of the body. All these nerves are connected to the brain. The brain is like a ball floating in a fluid called cerebro spinal fluid. It communicates with various parts of the body via the bioelectricity flowing through the nerves.[1]