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Pterocarpus marsupium - Asana, Bijaka

Asana consists of heart-wood of Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. (Fam.Leguminosae), a moderate to large sized, deciduous tree, upto 30 m high and 2.5 m in girth, with straight clear bole, found mostly throughout Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh Bihar and Orissa.[1]
[hide]- 1 Common names
- 2 Chemical Composition
- 3 Properties
- 4 Habit
- 5 Identification
- 6 List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used
- 7 Where to get the saplings
- 8 Mode of Propagation
- 9 How to plant/cultivate
- 10 Commonly seen growing in areas
- 11 Photo Gallery
- 12 References
- 13 See also
- 14 External Links
Common names
Language | Common name |
Kannada | Bijasara, Asana |
Hindi | Vijayasara, Bija |
Malayalam | Venga |
Tamil | Vengai |
Telugu | Yegi, Veg |
Marathi | Bibala |
Gujarathi | Biyo |
Punjabi | Chandan Lal, Channanlal |
Kashmiri | Lal Chandeur |
Sanskrit | Beejaka, Peetasaara |
English | Indian Kino Tree |
Chemical Composition
Alkaloids and resin.
Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.
Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent), Katu (Pungent)
Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry)
Ushna (Hot)
Katu (Pungent)
Kushaghna, Rasayana, Kaphapittashamaka, Galadisagna, Kesya, Tvaccya, Stambana, Raktasodana
Kind | Shape | Feature |
Imparipinnate | Alternate | Leaflets 5-7, alternate, estipulate, 3.5-12.5 x 2-7 cm, elliptic-oblong |
Type | Size | Color and composition | Stamen | More information |
Bisexual | Terminal and axillary panicles | Yellow | 5 | 0-12 mm long; bracts small, dioecious; bracteoles 2, cauducous. Calyx tube campanulate. Flowering season is September-October |
Type | Size | Mass | Appearance | Seeds | More information |
A Pod | 2.5-5 cm across | Orbicular-reniform, broadly winged; seed one, subreniform. | Pod surface is distinctly veined | Fruiting season is September-October |
Other features
List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used
Where to get the saplings
Mode of Propagation
How to plant/cultivate
Season to grow
Soil type
Commonly seen growing in areas
Photo Gallery
See also
External Links
- Pages that are stubs
- Herbs with common name in Kannada
- Herbs with common name in Hindi
- Herbs with common name in Malayalam
- Herbs with common name in Tamil
- Herbs with common name in Telugu
- Herbs with common name in Marathi
- Herbs with common name in Gujarathi
- Herbs with common name in Punjabi
- Herbs with common name in Kashmiri
- Herbs with common name in Sanskrit
- Herbs with common name in English
- Habit - Shrub or small tree
- Index of Plants which can be propagated by Seeds
- Index of Plants which can be propagated by Cuttings
- Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of Tropical area
- Ayurvedic Medicine
- Tree