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General Descripition

Piṣṭīs are prepared by triturating the drug with the specified liquids and exposing to sun or moon light. These are termed as Anagnitapta Bhasma (bhasma prepared without the medium of fire).

Method of preparation

After purification (Śodhana), the drug is put in a khalva and triturated generally with rose water, unless otherwise mentioned. it is triturated with the liquid for a day and dried in the sun for another day. This process is generally continued for seven days or more till fine Piṣṭī in powder form is obtained.


  • Depending upon the colour of the drug Piṣṭīs are of different colours. They are as fine as bhasma and have the characteristics of bhasma.


  • They preserve their potency indefinitely. They are stored in glass stoppered bottles.[1]


  1. Jump up The Ayurvedic formulary of India Part-III page no 271.

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