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Mardana is the process of trituration of drugs to a fine state of division with or without prescribed liquid.[1]

Mardana Composition

Sūta (pārada) - - 1 part
Guḍa - 1/16 part
Dagdhorṇa - - 1/16 part
Lavaṇa (Saiṇdhava Lavaṇa) - 1/16 part
Mandira dhūma - 1/16 part
Iṣṭikā cūrṇa - 1/16 part
Āsurī (rājikā) - Sd. 1/16 part
Kāṅjīka - Qs.


Inradients 2 to 7 are mixed with pārada. Kāṅjīka in required quantity is added and rubbed well for there days in a kalka dravyas are washed with warm or warm Kāṅjīka and is sqeezed through a thick cloth and the mercury is aeparated.[2]


  1. Jump up The Ayurvedic formulary of India Part III, page no 468.
  2. Jump up The Ayurvedic formulary of India Part III, page no 506.