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Cucumis sativus - Cucumber, Kantakilata
The cucumber is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae. It is a creeping vine that bears cucumiform fruits that are used as vegetables. There are three main varieties of cucumber: slicing, pickling, and seedless.
[hide]- 1 Uses
- 2 Parts Used
- 3 Chemical Composition
- 4 Common names
- 5 Properties
- 6 Habit
- 7 Identification
- 8 List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used
- 9 Where to get the saplings
- 10 Mode of Propagation
- 11 How to plant/cultivate
- 12 Commonly seen growing in areas
- 13 Photo Gallery
- 14 References
- 15 External Links
Relieves thirst, Relieves burning micturition, Insomnia, Urinary tract infection, Bleeding disorders [1]
Parts Used
Chemical Composition
Cucumber contains rutin; seeds glucosides including cucurbitaside; leaves free cucurbitasides B & C, ferredoxin, alpha-spinasterol.[2]
Common names
Language | Common name |
Kannada | Southe kaayi |
Hindi | Kakree, Khira |
Malayalam | Kakkari, Mullanvellari, Vellari |
Tamil | Mullan vellari, Mullanvellari, Mulluvellari, Vellari, Vellari-k-kay |
Telugu | Dosa kaya, Ujakaayipa |
Marathi | NA |
Gujarathi | NA |
Punjabi | NA |
Kashmiri | NA |
Sanskrit | Bahuphala, Kandalu, Kantakilata, Kantakiphala, Sudhavasa, Trapusha |
English | Cucumber |
Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.
Madhura (Sweet)
Laghu (Light), Rooksha (Dry)
Sheeta (cold)
Madhura (Sweet)
Kind | Shape | Feature |
Simple | Alternate | Tendrils simple, Leaves 10-16 cm long and broad, broadly orbicular or ovate-cordate, entire or palmately 5-lobed, margin bi-denticulate. |
Type | Size | Color and composition | Stamen | More information |
Unisexual | Axillary | Yellow | 3 | Male flowers 3-4, in axilliary fascicles. Calyx 8-10 mm long, companulate, densely villous, lobes subulate. |
Type | Size | Mass | Appearance | Seeds | More information |
Oblong | Yellowish green. Seeds 8-10 x 3-5 mm, oblong | {{{6}}} |
Other features
List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used
Where to get the saplings
Mode of Propagation
How to plant/cultivate
Seed - sow early to mid spring in a rich soil. Germination should take place within 2 weeks[6]
Commonly seen growing in areas
Tropical area, Sub tropical area
Photo Gallery
External Links
- Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Relieves thirst
- Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Relieves burning micturition
- Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Insomnia
- Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Urinary tract infection
- Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Bleeding disorders
- Herbs with Fruit used in medicine
- Herbs with Seeds used in medicine
- Herbs with common name in Kannada
- Herbs with common name in Hindi
- Herbs with common name in Malayalam
- Herbs with common name in Tamil
- Herbs with common name in Telugu
- Herbs with common name in Sanskrit
- Herbs with common name in English
- Habit - Climber
- Index of Plants which can be propagated by Seeds
- Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of Tropical area
- Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of Sub tropical area
- Herbs
- Climber
- Cucurbitaceae