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Caryota urens - Sritalah
Sritalah is a large palm tree that can be found growing in the evergreen forests of the western ghats and planted freely throughout India. Traditionally the tree has been used to make toddy and starch is extracted from the inner stem.
[hide]- 1 Uses
- 2 Parts Used
- 3 Chemical Composition
- 4 Common names
- 5 Properties
- 6 Habit
- 7 Identification
- 8 List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used
- 9 Where to get the saplings
- 10 Mode of Propagation
- 11 How to plant/cultivate
- 12 Commonly seen growing in areas
- 13 Photo Gallery
- 14 References
- 15 External Links
Arthritis, Burning sensation, Migraine, Snake bites [1]
Parts Used
Chemical Composition
Common names
Language | Common name |
Kannada | Bagani mara, Bagini, Bagni, Baina, Baine, Bainemara, Baini |
Hindi | Ban-khajur, Mari, Mari ka jhat, Marikajhad |
Malayalam | Anapana, Anapanna, Anapanne, Anappana, Chundapana |
Tamil | Ataku, Atakumaram, Atam, Kuntalapanai, Kuntar panai |
Telugu | Bakini, Chirugu, Chirugu chettu, Cirugu, Gukatad, Jeeluga, Jeeluga chettu |
Marathi | NA |
Gujarathi | NA |
Punjabi | NA |
Kashmiri | NA |
Sanskrit | Hoajavriksha, Dirgha, Mada, Madadruma, Madyadru, Madyadruma, Mohakari, Rajju, Sritalah, Vitanaka |
English | Fishtail palm |
Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.
Madhura (Sweet)
Guru (Heavy)
Sheeta (cold)
Kind | Shape | Feature |
Bipinnate | Alternate | 4-6 m long; pinnae 5-7 pairs, to 1.5 m long; leaflets broadly cuneate, fan-shaped, 12-20 cm long, 7-10 cm wide at wider portion, raemorse at apex, many ribbed. |
Type | Size | Color and composition | Stamen | More information |
Monoecious | Spadix | Yellow | Many | Spadix interfoliar, shortly peduncled, much branched, pendulous, to 4 m long; spathes few, 40-50 cm long. Flowering from October to March |
Type | Size | Mass | Appearance | Seeds | More information |
2 cm across | Globose, reddish purple; seeds plano-convex, subreniform. | Fruiting from October to March |
Other features
List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used
Where to get the saplings
Mode of Propagation
How to plant/cultivate
Seed - At room temperature the seeds remain viable for 30 - 90 days, depending on storage conditions. An experiment in Sri Lanka on the effect of seed storage and exposure to sunlight revealed a germination rate of 99% for seeds sown after 30-day storage in a dark room. Seed germinate in 2-4 months. Seedlings can tolerate sun while quite small.[5]
Commonly seen growing in areas
Tropical area, Sub Tropical area
Photo Gallery
- Jump up ↑ Uses
- Jump up ↑ ”Karnataka Medicinal Plants Volume-3” by Dr.M. R. Gurudeva, Page No.750, Published by Divyachandra Prakashana, #6/7, Kaalika Soudha, Balepete cross, Bengaluru
- Jump up ↑ Vernacular names
- Jump up ↑ Cultivation details
External Links
- Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Arthritis
- Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Burning sensation
- Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Migraine
- Ayurvedic Herbs known to be helpful to treat Snake bites
- Herbs with Leaf used in medicine
- Herbs with Stem Bark used in medicine
- Herbs with Sap used in medicine
- Herbs with common name in Kannada
- Herbs with common name in Hindi
- Herbs with common name in Malayalam
- Herbs with common name in Tamil
- Herbs with common name in Telugu
- Herbs with common name in Sanskrit
- Herbs with common name in English
- Habit - Tree
- Index of Plants which can be propagated by Seeds
- Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of Tropical area
- Herbs that are commonly seen in the region of Sub Tropical area
- Herbs
- Plants of western ghats
- Tree
- Ayurvedic herbs that don't have seed photos
- Arecaceae