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Ayurwiki:Featured Page/July

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[[File:Dichrostachys cinerea Babool(8444618244Acacia nilotica)flowers at Hodal.jpg|thumb|right|''VirataruVachellia nilotica'', ''Dichrostachys cinereaBabul'']]
'''VirataruAcacia nilotica''' is a deciduous or semi-deciduous shrub or small medium sized, thorny, nearly evergreen tree with an open crown; it . It can grow from 1 grows up to a height of 20- 8 metres tall, with occasional specimens to 12 metres25 m. The plant It is covered with spines and is sometimes suckering and thicket-forminga multipurpose tree. A true multi-purpose treeIt provides timber, fuel, shade, providing food, medicinesfodder, fuel honey, dye, gum and various commoditiesfences.
'''Uses:'''DiarrheaSexual problems, Excessive thirstEye diseases, Kidney stonesHeal wounds, Gynecological disordersBleeding of the uterus, Urinary retentionLiver problems, Jaundice, Throat problems, Stomach problems, Hair problems, Skin problems.
'''Mode of Propagation:'''Seeds, Cuttings.
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-moz-appearance: none;">[[Dichrostachys cinerea Acacia nilotica - VirataruAaavartaki|Read more]]</span>

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