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Prunella vulgaris - Self heal

492 bytes added, 5 years ago
{{Flower|UnisexualBisexual|2-4cm longTerminal spikes|Pinkish purple|Yellow4|verticillate, to 3 x 2.5 cm(elongating to 5|The cm in fruit), with flowers are tubular in shapewhorls of 6; floral bracts leafy, ovate, to 6 x 4 mm, margin ciliate, purplish. Calyx-tube straight, 5-10-nerved, 4 mm, dotted with sessile glands without, limb 2-lipped, 3+2, upper one broad, lower ones lanceolate. Corolla violet, ascending; tube 6 mm, limb 2-lipped, and the 2 + 3; upper lip forms a purplish hoodone cucullate, while the lower lip has one spreading, 3 -lobed, with dentate median lobe, and oblong side lobes and is white in colordeflexed. Stamens 4, didynamous, exserted; filaments 2-fid, lower one anther-bearing; anthers connivent, 2-celled. Disk erect. Ovary 4-celled on a gynophore. }}

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