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Putranjiva roxburghi - Putranjiva

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[[File:Menasinakale (Kannada- ಮೆಣಸಿನಕಲೆ) (8729331614).jpg|thumb|right|''Putranjivah'', ''Putranjiva roxburghii'']]
'''Putranjivah''' is an evergreen tree with graceful hanging branches and dark green leaves. Its seeds have long been used in Ayurveda.
{{Uses|Aphrodisiac}}, {{Uses|Gastritis}}, {{Uses|Burning sensation in eyes}}, {{Uses|Relieves thirst}}
==Chemical Composition==
Ethanol extraction of the fresh leaves of P. roxburghii proved convenient for the isolation of polyphenolic compounds. In addition to triterpenoids this extract yielded ellagic acid, gallic acid, gallocatechin, ellagi-and gallo-tannins and saponins. The main components of the root bark were triterpenoids, friedelin, putranjivadione, roxburgholone, methyl putrate and saponins derived from oleanolic acid.
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=Amaami, Amani, Kaal damani, Menasina kaale, Putranjeeva|ml=Pongolan, Ponkalam, Putranjivi, Puttilanni|sa=Aksaphala, Kumarbeeja, Putrajivah, Putranjiva|ta=Karuppilai, Kattuppacceri Maram, Pongolam |te=Kadrajuvi, Kudrajinic, Kudurujuvir, Kudurujuvvi, Putra jeevi|hi=Jiaputa, Jivputrak, Jiyapota, Putranjiva|en=}}
<ref name="Common names"/>
{{Leaf|Simple|alternateAlternate|stipule Stipule small, lateral, caducous; petiole 5-7 mm long, slender, pubescent; lamina 3.5-12 x 1.5-4.5 cm, elliptic-oblong, base oblique, apex shortly acuminate, acute or obtuse with retuse tip; margin serrate or serrulate, glabrous, dark green, shining, coriaceous; lateral nerves 8-12 pairs, pinnate, slender, ascending, prominent, intercostae reticulate, slender, prominent. }}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Unisexual|axillary Axillary spikes|yellowYellow||Flowers unisexual, small, yellow; male flowers: sessile, in axillary spikes, 2-2.5 mm across; pedicels 1.5-2 mm long, glabrous; tepals 3-5, oblong, puberulous without, ciliate, obtuse, imbricate; stamens 2-4, 1.5-2 mm long; filaments thick, more or less connate towards base; anthers ovate, hairy; female flowers: solitary or in 2 or 3, axillary; pedicel upto 15 mm long, puberulous; bracts lanceolate; tepals 5-6, 2-2.5 × 1-1.5 mm, unequal, oblong, puberulous without, ciliate, acute; ovary superior, 3 x 2.5 mm, globose, tomentose, 3-celled, ovules 2 in each cell; style 3, spreading, tomentose, often connate below into dilated into broad fleshy stigma; stigma crescent-shaped, glandular.}}
{{Fruit|A drupe|1.3-2 x 1.5 cm| ovoidOvoid-ellipsoid, white tomentose; seed one, crustaceous; pedicels 6-25 mm long.|}}
===Other features===
==How to plant/cultivate==
  ===Season This species is usually dioecious, though occasional monoecious forms are found. Generally, both male and female forms need to grow=== ===Soil type===  ===Propagation===be grown if fruit and seed are required.
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
<ref name="Uses">[ "Uses"]</ref>
<ref name="Leaf">[ "BOTANIC DESCRIPTION"]</ref><ref name="Common names">[ "Vernacular names"]</ref>

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