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Helicteres isora - Avartani

3,631 bytes added, 5 years ago
Created page with "thumb|right|''Avartani'', ''Helicteres isora'' '''Avartani''' is a shrub or small tree that can..."
[[File:(Helicteres isora) East Indian screw tree seed at Kambalakonda 09.JPG|thumb|right|''Avartani'', ''Helicteres isora'']]
'''Avartani''' is a shrub or small tree that can reach a height of up to 8 metres, but is more likely to be 4 metres or less in height. Gathered from the wild and used locally as a medicine, the plant has also been experimentally cultivated as a fibre plant in India.
{{Uses|Diarrhea}}, {{Uses|Dysentery}}, {{Uses|Intestinal parasites}}
<ref name="Uses"/>

==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|Bark}}, {{Parts Used|Root}}, {{Parts Used|Fruit}}

==Chemical Composition==

==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=aavarthini, edamuri, bhootakaralu, yedamuri|ml=ishvaramuli, itampirivalampiri, valampiri|sa=avartani, mrgasrngi, |ta=edampuri, pirimurukku, valampurikai|te=aadasamanthi, adivichamanthi, peddasamanthi, shyaamali|hi=marodphali, marorphali|en=Indian screw tree}}
<ref name="Common names"/>

Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.

Kashaya (Astringent)
Laghu (Light), Rooksha (Dry)
Sheeta (cold)

Pitta, Kapha

{{Habit|Shrub or small tree}}

{{Leaf|Simple|alternate|5-12 x 3-8 cm, obovate to suborbicular, apex acute or acuminate, base cordate, margin irregularly crenate- serrate; 3-5-nerved at the base, scabrous above and stellately tomentose below; petioles to 1.2 cm long. }}<ref name="Leaf"/>

{{Flower|Bisexual|axillary, solitary or in few-flowered cymes|Red|10|bracts 2-3 mm long, linear, 2 brown glands present in the axil of bracts; pedicel to 6 mm long. Calyx slightly yellow, persistent, tubular, splitting in to 5 irregular lobes; tube 1.5-2 cm long , densely stellate hairy without. Petals 5, unequal, 2-2.5 cm long, obovate, clawed, crimson, fading to pale blue. Staminal column 3-3.5 cm long, cylindric; stamens 10 ; staminodes 5. Ovary 2-2.5 mm long, placed at tip of gynophore, 5-lobed, 5-celled; ovules many; style 5; stigma subulate. }}

{{Fruit|Follicles|4-6 cm long|spirally twisted, stellate-tomentose, beaked||seeds 2-3 mm long, angular, black, wrinkled.}}

===Other features===

==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==

==Where to get the saplings==
==Mode of Propagation==
{{Propagation|Seeds}}, {{Propagation|Cuttings}}.

==How to plant/cultivate==

===Season to grow===

===Soil type===


==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Tropical area}}

==Photo Gallery==
<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">
File:(Helicteres isora) East Indian screw tree seed at Kambalakonda 05.JPG
File:East Indian screw tree (Helicteres isora) foliage at Kambalakonda 09.JPG
File:Helicteres isora (East Indian screw tree) W IMG 1245.jpg
File:Helicteres isora 30.JPG
File:Helictrus isora 05.JPG



<ref name="Uses">[ "Uses"]</ref>

<ref name="Leaf">[http://FLOWERING PLANTS OF KERALA VER.2, N. Sasidharan "BOTANIC DESCRIPTION"]</ref>
<ref name="Common names">[ "Vernacular names"]</ref>


==External Links==


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