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Triphalā Guggulu

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'''Triphala Triphalā Guggulu''' Vati is a preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Guggulu as the basic ingredient
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| Har¢tak¢ Harītakī API ||[[Terminalia chebula]]|| P.|| 48 g
| Bibh¢taka Bibhītaka API|| [[Terminalia belerica ]] ||P.|| 48 g
| Ëmalak¢ Āmalakī API|| [[Emblica officinalis]]|| P.|| 48 g
| Pippal¢ Pippalī API|| [[Piper longum ]] ||Fr|| 48 g
| Guggulu API -áuddhaŚuddha|| Commiphora wightii|| O.R.|| 240 g
*Take all the ingredients of the pharmacopoeial quality.
*Wash, dry and powder the ingredients number 1 to 4 of the formulation composition separately and pass through sieve number 85, weigh them separately in the required quantities and mix.
*Crush weighed quantity of Guggulu-shuddhaŚuddha, add fine powder of other mixed ingredients to it and pound well. *Add Ghrta Ghṛta to an extent required to facilitate the pounding and continue pounding till a semi-solid uniformly mixed mass of suitable plasticity is obtained.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
==Therapeutic uses==
*Arbuda Śotha (tumoursInflammation), Kāmalā Bhagandara (Jaundice), Timira (Cataract), Visarpa (Erysepelas), Pradara (excessive vaginal discharge), Netra rujā (pain Fistula-in eyes), Netra srāva (Lacrimation), Kāsa (cough), Kantū (itching), Rakta dosha (disorders of Blood-ano), Śvayathu Arśa (oedemaPiles), Khālitya (Alopecia), Keśa patana (falling of hair), Vishama jvara (intermittent fever), Arma (Pterygium), Śukla netra roga (Eye disorders related to sclera) and Vartma roga Gulma (disorders of eyelidsAbdominal lump).

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