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Sārasvata Ghṛta

307 bytes added, 6 years ago
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| Ajā kṣīra ||Goat’s milk|| || 3.07 l
| Abhayā (Harītakī API) ||[[Terminalia chebula]]|| P. ||24 g
| Śuṇṭhī API|| [[Zingiber officinale]]|| Rz.|| 24 g
| Marica API|| [[Piper nigrum ]] ||Fr. ||24 g
| Pippalī API ||[[Piper longum ]] ||Fr.|| 24 g
| Pāṭhā API ||[[Cissampelos pareira]]|| Rt.|| 24 g
| Ugra (Vacā API)|| [[Acorus calamus ]] ||Rz.|| 24 g
| Śigru API ||[[Moringa pterygosperma ]] ||Rt.Bk. ||24 g
| Saindhava lavaṇa (API)|| Rock salt || ||24 g
==Method of preparation==
*Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
*Treat [[Ghrta ]] to prepare [[Mūrchita Ghrta]].
*Take the ingredients ([[kalka]] dravya) numbered 2 to 8, wash, dry, powder and pass through sieve number 85.
*Transfer the powdered ingredients to the wet grinder, add ingredient number 9 and grind with sufficient quantity of water to prepare a homogeneous blend ([[Kalka]]).<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
==Therapeutic uses==
*Improves Vāk (speechSpeech), Medhā (intelligenceIntelligence), Smrti (memoryMemory) and Jātharāgni (appetiteAppetite).
[[Category:Ayurvedic Medicine]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Improves Speech]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Improves Intelligence]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Improves Memory]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Improves Appetite]]

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