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Koṭṭamcukkādi Taila

213 bytes added, 6 years ago
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'''Kottamcukkaadi Koṭṭamcukkādi Taila''' is a liquid preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below with Tila Taila as the basic ingredient
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| Ko°°am Koṭṭam (Ku¾°ha Kuṣṭha API) ||[[Saussurea lappa ]] ||Rt.|| 21 g
| Cukku (Śu´°hī Śuṇṭhī API)|| [[Zingiber officinale ]] ||Rz.|| 21 g
| Vayambu (Vacā API) ||[[Acorus calamus ]] ||Rz. ||21 g
| Śigru API ||[[Moringa oleifera ]] ||St Bk.|| 21 g
| Laśuna API ||[[Allium sativum]]|| Bl. ||21 g
| Kārto°°i Kārtoṭṭi (Hi¼srā Hiṁsrā API)|| [[Capparis spinosa ]] ||Rt.|| 21 g
| Devadruma (Devadāru API) ||[[Cedrus deodara ]] ||Ht.Wd|| 21 g
| Siddhārtha (Sar¾apa Sarṣapa API)|| [[Brassica campestris]]|| Sd. ||21 g
| Suvahā (Rāsnā API) ||[[Alpinia galanga ]] (Official substitute)|| Rz.|| 21 g
| Tilaja (Tila API)|| Sesamum indicum|| Oil|| 768 g
| [[Dadhi ]] (Godadhi API) ||Curd from cow’s milk|| || 768 g
| Ci®cā Ciñcā rasa (Ci®cā Ciñcā API)|| [[Tamarindus indica ]] ||Lf. ||3.07 l
*Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
*Wash and dry all the herbal raw materials except ingredient 12 thoroughly.
*Treat Tila taila to prepare Mūrchita Taila (Appendix*Collect fresh leaves of ingredient number 12, wash thoroughly, grind and express [[svarasa ]] through muslin cloth.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
==Therapeutic uses==
*Āmavāta (Rheumatism), Vāta roga (disorders Disorders due to Vāta vata dosha) and Angastambha (stiffness Stiffness of body), External application for Abhyanga.
[[Category:Pages needs special charactersAyurvedic Medicine]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Rheumatism]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Disorders due to vata dosha]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Stiffness of body]]

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