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Kalyāṇaka Kṣāra

1,160 bytes added, 6 years ago
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'''Kalyanaka Ksaara''' is a preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| Śu ´°hī Śuṇṭhī API ||[[Zingiber officinale]]|| Rz. ||1 part
| Marica API ||[[Piper nigrum ]] ||Fr.|| 1 part
| Pippalī API ||[[Piper longum ]] ||Fr. ||1 part
|Saindhava lava´a lavaṇa API ||Rock salt|| || 1 part
| Sauvarchala lava´a lavaṇa API|| Black salt|| || 1 part
| Vi²a lava´a Viḍa lavaṇa API|| Black salt (Official subsititute)|| || 1 part
| Harītakī API ||[[Terminalia chebula]]|| P.|| 1 part
| Bibhītakī API|| [[Terminalia bellirica ]] ||P. ||1 part
| Āmalakī API ||[[Phyllanthus emblica ]] (Emblica officinalis)|| P.|| 1 part
| Dantī API ||[[Baliospermum montanum ]] ||Rt.|| 1 part
| Aru¾kara Aruṣkara (Bhallātaka API)|| [[Semecarpus anacardium ]] ||Fr. ||1 part
| Citraka API ||[[Plumbago zeylanica]]|| Rt. ||1 part
| Sneha (Tila API)|| Sesamum indicum Oil ||Q.S.'||
| Mūtra (Gomūtra)|| Cow’s urine|| Q.S.||
*Take ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
*Clean, dry and powder the ingredients no. 1 to 10 and 12 separately and pass through sieve number 85.
*Crush [[Bhallātaka ]] in a khalva to a fine state.
*Mix all powdered ingredients. Levigate the above mixture with the Tila taila and Gomūtra and prepare a homogeneous blend. Keep the homogeneous blend in an earthen pot and cover with a sarāva.
*Seal the edges of the pot by seven consecutive layers of clay-smeared cloth and dry.
==Therapeutic uses==
* Vibandha (Constipation), Ādhmāna (Flatulence), Gulma (Abdominal lump), Udāvarta (upward Upward movement of gases), Arśa (Piles), Pāndu ( anaemiaAnaemia); , Udara roga (diseases Diseases ofabdomen), Krmi (Helminthiasis), Mūtrāghāta (Urinary obstruction), Aśmarī (Calculus) Śopha, (oedemaOedema), Hrdroga (heart Heart disease), Grahanī (malabsorption Malabsorption syndrome), Meha (Excessive flow of urine), Plīharuja (pain Pain due to splenic disease), Ānāha (distention Distention of abdomen), Śvāsa (Asthma), Kāsa (coughCough), Agnimāndya (Digestive impairment).
[[Category:Ayurvedic Medicine]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Constipation]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Flatulence]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Abdominal lump]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Upward movement of gases]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Piles]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Anaemia]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Diseases of abdomen]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Helminthiasis]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Urinary obstruction]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Calculus]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Oedema]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Heart disease]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Malabsorption syndrome]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Excessive flow of urine]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Pain due to splenic disease]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Distention of abdomen]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Asthma]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Cough]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Digestive impairment]]

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