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Shankha Vati

1,623 bytes added, 6 years ago
Formulation composition
'''Shankha Vati''' is a pill preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation Composition given below.
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"|Ciµc¡ API -kÀ¡ra ||Tamarindus indica ||St. Bk.|| 48 g|-| Pa¶uvajra (Paµca lava¸a each in equal quantity)||||||48 g|-|a. Saindhava Lava¸a (API)||Rock salt|||||-|b. S¡mudra Lava¸a API||Sea salt|||||-|c. Sauvarcala Lava¸a (API)||Black salt|||||-|d. Vi·a Lava¸a|||||||-|e. Audbhida Lava¸a|||||||-| áa´kha (áa´kha Bhasma (API))|| Calcined Conch|| – ||48 g|-| Hi´gu API - áuddha ||Ferula foetida|| Exd.|| 48 g|-| VyoÀa|||||||-|a. áu¸¶h¢ API|| Zingiber officinale|| Rz.|| 48 g|-|b. Marica API|| Piper nigrum ||Fr. ||48 g|-|c. Pippal¢ API|| Piper longum|| Fr.|| 48 g|-| Rasa (P¡rada API) - áuddha|| Mercury|| – ||3 g|-| Am¤ta (Vatsan¡bha API) - áuddha|| Aconitum chasmanthum ||Rt. Tr.|| 3 g|-| Val¢ (Gandhaka API) - áuddha ||Sulphur|| –|| 3 g|-| Nimb£ API - [[Svarasa]] ||Citrus limon|| Fr. juice|| QS|}
==Method of preparation==
*Treat Shankha to prepare Shankha bhasma.
*Treat Hingu to get Hingu - shuddha, Vatsanabha to get Vatsanabha - shuddha, Parada to get Parada - shuddha and Gandhaka to get Gandhaka - shuddha.
*Triturate Pshrada - shuddha and Gandhaka - shuddha together in a Khalvayantra to prepare [[Kajjali. ]].
*Wash, clean, dry the ingredients numbered 5 of the Formulation Composition, powder separately and pass through 180 µm I. S. sieve.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
*Light grey pills with a characteristic asafoetida odour and salty taste.
*Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
==Therapeutic uses==
*Agnim¡ndya (digestive impairment), Grahani (malabsorption syndrome), Arocaka (tastelessness), Paktisula (duodenal ulcers), Kashaya (pthisis).
*500 mg - 1 g per day in divided doses with Honey/Warm water/Butter milk.
==Physico-chemical parameters==
{| class="wikitable"
|Total Ash||Not more than 43 per cent
|Acid-insoluble ash||Not more than 6 per cent
|Alcohol-soluble extractive||Not less than 8 per cent
|Water-soluble extractive||Not less than 53 per cent
|Loss on drying||Not less than 53 per cent
|pH (1 % aqueous solution)||8.0 to 9.0
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