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Principles of Ayurveda

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Basic Principles of Ayurveda comprise of

1.The TriGunas-: Three Fundamental universal energies : viz - Satva ,Rajas and Tamas

2.The PancaMahabhutas: Five basic elements viz.-Akasha (Space),Vayu (Air),Teja or Agni(Fire),Jala(Water) and Prithvi (Earth)

3.The TriDosas: Three Body Humours viz.-Vata,Pitta and Kapha

4.The SaptaDhatus: Seven types of body tissues :viz.- Rasa (fluid) Dhatu, Rakta(blood)Dhatu, Mamsa Dhatu,Meda(fat)Dhatu,Asthi Dhatu,Majja Dhatu and Sukra Dhatu

5.The TrayodosaAgni: Thirteen types of digestive fires : viz.-Jatharagni (gastric fire), SaptaDhatvagni and PancaBhutagni

6.The TriMalas: Three types of Body Wastes :viz.-Purisa(faeces), Mutra(urine) and Sveda (sweat)

