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Zodiac sign and their trees

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The twelve rashis (Signs of the zodiac) also have their arboreal equivalents, as shown below

Rashi Tree Scientific name of the tree
Mesha Red sanders Pterocarpus santalinus
Rishabha Devil tree Alstonea scolaris
Midhuna Dyer's oleander Wrughtia tinctoria
Kataka Flame of the forest Butea monosperma
Simha Common jujube Ziziphus mauritiana
Kanya Mango Magifera indica
Tula Indian medaller Mimusops elengi
Vrishchika Citch tree Acacia catechu
Dhanus Pipal Ficus religiosa
Makara East indian rosewood Dalbergia latifolia
Kumbha Indian mesquite Prosopis spicigera
Meena banyan Ficus benghalensis