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Asanabilvādi Taila

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Asanabilvaadi Taila is a medicated oil preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation Composition given below with m£rcchita Tila taila as the basic ingredient.

Formulation composition

Asana API Pterocarpus marsupium Ht. Wd. 76 g
Bilva API Aegle marmelos Rt.∗ /St. Bk. 76 g
Bal¡ API Sida cordifolia Pl. 76 g
Am¤ta (Gu·£c¢ API ) Tinospora cordifolia St. 76 g
Jala API for decoction Potable Water 12.288 l
reduced to 3.072 l
Madhuka (YaÀ¶¢ API) Glycyrrhiza glabra Rt. 38.4 g
N¡garaka (áu¸¶h¢ API) Zingiber officinale Rz . 38.4 g
a. Har¢tak¢ API Terminalia chebula P. 38.4 g
b. Bibh¢taka API Terminalia bellirica P. 38.4 g
c. Ëmalak¢ API Emblica officinalis P. P. 38.4 g
Payas (Godugdha API) P. Cow milk P. – 768 ml
Taila (Tila Taila API) Sesame oil 768 g

Method of preparation

  • Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
  • Treat Tila taila to prepare murcchita Tila taila.
  • Wash, clean, dry the ingredients numbered 1 to 4 of the Formulation Composition, powder separately and pass through 355 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 44) (kvatha dravya).
  • Add water for decoction to the kvatha dravya and soak for 4 h, heat and reduce the volume to one-fourth. Filter through muslin cloth to obtain kvatha.
  • Wash, dry the ingredients numbered 6 to 8 (kalka dravya) of the Formulation Composition, powder separately and pass through 180 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 85) to obtain fine powder[1]


  • Medicated oil, brown in colour with the characteristic odour of sesame oil.


  • Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.

Therapeutic uses

  • Nayana roga (diseases of the eye), Karna roga (diseases of the ear), shiroroga (diseases of head).


  • External use - for Abhya´ga (massage on whole body)
  • Nasya - 2 to 4 drops per nostril once or twice a day
  • Eye drops - 2 to 4 drops once or twice a day
  • Ear drops - 5 to 10 drops once or twice a day

Physico-chemical parameters

Refractive index at 400 1.4646 to 1.4665
Specific gravity at 400 0.9207 to 0.9311
Saponification value 180 to 190
Iodine value 106 to 109
Acid value Not more than 1
Peroxide value Not more than 6
