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Padma Pinyamayurasana

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Padma Pinyamayurasana is an Asana. It is translated as Lotus Peacock Feather Pose from Sanskrit. the name of this pose comes from padma meaning lotus, pincha meaning feather, mayura meaning peacock and asana meaning posture or seat. It is a variation of Pincha Mayūrāsana.


  1. Assume the Lotus Pose or Padmasana. To perform Padmasana sit on the floor on the yoga mat with legs stretched out. Fold the right leg and place it on the left thigh. Then hold the left leg just above the ankle and pull it towards the right leg and place it on top of right thigh. This is the lotus pose. Do not force it as the knee joint is a delicate joint. If the leg muscles are not flexible, then it may injure your knee. In that case, take up few loosening exercises for the leg muscles before attempting Padmasana.
  2. One you assume Padmasana, bend forward and place both the palms on the floor. The palms should be pointing backwards.
  3. Bend the elbows and bring them together.
  4. Lean forward and place both the elbows against the middle of the abdomen.
  5. Lean further and support the weight of the trunk on the upper arms.
  6. Take a breath and hold it. Lift the legs in the lotus pose above the ground. Try to maintain balance as you raise it parallel to the ground.
  7. Maintain this position for as long as you are comfortable. Hold the breath in the final pose. If you maintain the final pose for a prolonged duration, then you may try slow shallow breathing in the final pose.
  8. To release the pose, lower the legs and come back to the original lotus pose. Exhale while you lower the legs.[1]

Technique in pictures/animation


  • Padma Mayurasana tones all organs in the abdomen.
  • It improves digestion and removes constipation.
  • It removes enlargement of spleen.
  • It improves health of the pancreas. It is good for all diabetic patients.
  • It removes toxins from the blood.
  • It can solve some skin problems such as boils.[2]

Related Asanas

Special requisites

  • Be careful while doing this pose if you have high blood pressure, spinal injuries, shoulder, elbow or neck injuries, hip, knee or ankle injuries.

Initial practice notes


External Links