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Plantago major

1,897 bytes added, 4 years ago
Created page with "{{stub}} '''Indian mangrove''' is an evergreen shrub or tree, usually growing 8 - 18 metres tall but exceptionally to 25 metres. ==Uses== {{Uses|Boils}}, {{Uses|Tumours}}, {{U..."
'''Indian mangrove''' is an evergreen shrub or tree, usually growing 8 - 18 metres tall but exceptionally to 25 metres.
{{Uses|Boils}}, {{Uses|Tumours}}, {{Uses|Smallpox sores}}, {{Uses|Abscesses}}, {{Uses|Skin afflictions}}, {{Uses|Scabies}}, {{Uses|Snakebite}}.

==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|Fruits}}, {{Parts Used|Seeds}}.

==Chemical Composition==
<ref name="chemical composition"/>

==Common names==
{{Common names|sa=Sagarodbhutah|en=Indian Mangrove|gu=Baklananjhad|kn=Ipati|ml=Orayi|ta=Venkantal|te=Tella mada}}

Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.






{{Habit|Evergreen tree}}

{{Leaf|||}}<ref name="Leaf"/>



===Other features===

==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==

==Where to get the saplings==

==Mode of Propagation==

==How to plant/cultivate==
A plant of the moist to wet tropics and subtropics, where it is always found at around sea-level near the coast.<ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/>

==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Coastal marshes}}, {{Commonly seen|Brackish silts}}, {{Commonly seen|Saline silts}}.

==Photo Gallery==
<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">



<ref name="chemical composition">[Chemistry]</ref>

<ref name="Leaf">[Morphology]</ref>

<ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ Cultivation]</ref>

==External Links==
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