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Turnera subulata - White buttercup

313 bytes added, 5 years ago
{{Leaf|Simple|Alternate|stipules minute. Lamina elliptic-ovateto lanceate, 2.5-6 by 1-elliptic|Leaves not crowded3.5 cm, ovatebase cuneate-elliptic or ovatedecurrent; margin serrate-oblongdentate, very distinctly dentateapex obtuse, subacute to acute, sparsely puberulous, gland-serratedotted, lateral nerves c. 8 pairs, chartaceous; petiole with a pair of glands towards the apex. }}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|UnisexualBisexual|4 mm long|Yellow-white|5|5-20|Flowers merous, solitary in the higher upper leaf-axils; bracteoles linear-subulate; pedicel adnate to the petiole throughout; calyx-tube small, lobes 5, linear; petals 5, yellow with deep purple centre; stamens 5, inserted at the base of calyx-tube. Petals with a slightly hairy}}
{{Fruit|GeneralCapsule|7–10 mm|clearly grooved lengthwise|loculicidal, Lowest hooked hairs aligned towards crown|globose. Seeds many, pitted.|-}}
===Other features===

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