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Abroma augusta - Ulat kambal

3,423 bytes added, 5 years ago
Created page with "thumb|right|''Ulat kambal'', ''Abroma augusta'' '''Ulat kambal''' is a large, spreading shrub or small tree sometimes growing up to 10..."
[[File:Abrom augus 070601 067 ipb.JPG|thumb|right|''Ulat kambal'', ''Abroma augusta'']]
'''Ulat kambal''' is a large, spreading shrub or small tree sometimes growing up to 10 metres tall, but more generally 1 - 4 metres when in cultivation. The plant provides a high quality fibre that is mainly used locally. It also has local medicinal uses. Often harvested from the wild, it is also sometimes cultivated in tropical areas as a fibre crop and is sometimes grown as an ornamental.

{{Uses|Gynecological disorders}}, {{Uses|Induces menstruation}}, {{Uses|Arthritis}}, {{Uses|Bronchitis}}, {{Uses|Fever}}
<ref name="Uses"/>

==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|Root}}

==Chemical Composition==

==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=|ml=|sa=Yoshini, Pivari|ta=Sivappututti|te=|hi=Ulat kambal|en=Devil's cotton}}
<ref name="Common names"/>

Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.

Tikta (Bitter), Katu (Pungent)
Laghu (Light), Rooksha (Dry)
Ushna (Hot)

Kapha, Vata


{{Leaf|Simple|alternate|Leaves 10-20 (-30) x 5-15 (-25) cm; ovate-lanceolate, ovate-oblong, cordate at base, acute or acuminate at apex, repand-denticulate, glabrescent above, tomentose beneath; petioles 1.5-2.5 cm long; stipules linear, as long as the petiole, deciduous.}}<ref name="Leaf"/>

{{Flower|Bisexual|subterminal or axillary peduncled cymes|Maroon||5 cm in diameter. Sepals ca 2 x 0.6 cm, lanceolate, connate at base, persistent. Petals ca 2.8 x 1.2 cm with hooded ca 5 mm long claw and spoon- shaped lamina, claws hairy outside. Stamens 3 in each group in the sinus; staminodes ca 2x1 mm, hairy, emarginate. Ovary 2.5-3 x 2 mm, oblong, 5- lobed, sessile; styles ca 2 mm long}}

{{Fruit|Capsule|3.5-4 cm long||obpyramidal, membranous, 5-angled, truncate at apex, septicidally 5-valved, valves villous at the edge|seeds many, ca 3 x 2 mm, obovate.}}

===Other features===

==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==

==Where to get the saplings==
==Mode of Propagation==
{{Propagation|Seeds}}, {{Propagation|Cuttings}}.

==How to plant/cultivate==

===Season to grow===

===Soil type===


==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Tropical area}}, {{Commonly seen|Sub tropical area}}

==Photo Gallery==
<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">
File:Abrom augus 070601 020 ipb.JPG
File:Devil's cotton (Abroma augusta) fruit mature.jpg
File:Devil's Cotton (Ambroma augusta) 1.jpg
File:Abroma augustum IMG 5300 C.JPG



<ref name="Uses">[]</ref>
<ref name="Leaf">[ Botonic description]</ref>
<ref name="Common names">[]</ref>

==External Links==
* []
* []
* []


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