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'''PunarnavaasavaPunarnavāsava''' is a fermented liquid preparation, made with the ingredients of the Formulation composition given below. It contains not more than 10 per cent, and not less than 5 per cent of alcohol that is self generated in the preparation over a period of time
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| áu¸¶h¢ Śuṇṭhi API ||Zingiber officinale ||Rz.|| 16 g
| Marica API ||Piper nigrum|| Fr. ||16 g
| Pippal¢ Pippalī API ||Piper longum|| Fr.|| 16 g
| Har¢tak¢ Harītakī API ||Terminalia chebula ||Fr.P ||16 g
| Bibh¢taka Bibhtaka API ||Terminalia belerica|| Fr.P ||16 g
| Ëmalak¢ Āmalakī API|| Emblica officinalis.|| Fr.P ||16 g
| D¡rv¢ Dārvī (D¡ruharidr¡Dāruharidrā) API|| Berberis aristata|| St.|| 16 g
| ávadaÆÀ¶r¡ Śvadaṁṣtrā (GokÀuraGokṣura) API|| Tribulus terrestris ||Fr.|| 16 g
| B¤hat¢ Bṛhatī API|| Solanum indicum|| Rt. ||16 g
| Ka¸¶ak¡r¢ Kaṇṭakārī API|| Solanum xanthocarpum ||Pl. ||16 g
| V¡s¡m£la Vāsāmūla (V¡s¡Vāsā) AP||I Adhatoda vasica|| Rt.|| 16 g
| Era¸·am£la Eraṇḍaamūla (Era¸·aEraṇḍa) API ||Ricinus communis|| Rt. ||16 g
| Ka¶uk¡ Kaṭukī API ||Picrorrhiza kurroa|| Rt./Rz. ||16 g
| Gajapippal¢ Gajapippalī API ||Scindapsus officinalis|| Fr.|| 16 g
| áothaghn¢ Śothaghnī (Punarnav¡Punarnavā) API|| Boerhaavia diffusa|| Rt.|| 16 g
| Picumarda (Nimba) API|| Azadirachta indica ||St. Bk. ||16 g
| Gu·£c¢ Guḍucī API ||Tinospora cordifolia|| St.|| 16 g
| áuÀka M£laka Suṣka mūlaka (M£lakamūlaka) API|| Raphanus sativus ||Rt.|| 16 g
| Dur¡labh¡ Durālabhā API ||Fagonia cretica ||Rt. ||16 g
| Pa¶ola Paṭola API|| Trichosanthes dioica|| Lf. ||16 g
| Dh¡tak¢ Dhātakī API|| Woodfordia fruticosa|| Fl. ||256 g
| Dr¡kÀ¡ Drākṣā API ||Vitis vinifera ||Dr. Fr.|| 320 g
| Sit¡ Sitā API|| Sugar|||| 1.6 kg
| M¡kÀika Mākṣika (Madhu) API ||Honey|||| 800 g
| Jala Water|| 8||||.19 l
==Therapeutic uses==
*shotha Śotha (inflammation conditions), Udararoga (eight type of abdominal disorders), Pliha (splenic disease), Amlapitta (hyperacidity), Yakrt (disease of liver), Gulma (abdominal lump), Jvara (fever), Krcchrasadhya Roga (related to difficult conditions to manage).

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