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9 bytes added, 6 years ago
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== Composition ==
ach tablet contains- Trikatu(A mixture of sunthi, marich and 60 mg pippali) Papaya(Carica papaya) 30 mg Shankh Bhasma 30 mg Chitrak(Plumbago zeylanica) 20 mg pippalimool([[Piper longum]]) 15 mg Dantimool(Baliospermum montanum) 15 mg Ajwain(Ptychotis ajawan) 15 mg Vachnag (Aconitum ferox) 15 mg Chincha Bhasma 15 mg Hingu(Ferula asafoetida) 15 mg Guduchi([[Tinospora codifolia]]) 15 mg Vishtinduk(Strychnos nux vomica) 15 mg [[Kajjali ]] 15 mg Yavakshar 10 mg Sajjkshar 10 mg Suryakshar 10 mg.
== Dosage ==
2 tablets twice a day after meals.
*Unique preparation for prompt relief from abdominal discomforts. Helps digestion. Stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and improves uptake of nutrients.

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