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'''Avaleha''' or '''Lehya''' is a semi-solid preparation of drugs, prepared with addition of jaggery, sugar or sugar-candy and boiled with prescribed juices or decoction.
==Preparation InvolvesMethod of preparation==The Avaleha preparation involves following
*Kashaaya or other liquids
*Jaggery, sugar or sugar-candy
*Ghee or oil and
Jaggery, sugar or sugar-candy is dissolved in the liquid and strained to remove the foreign particles. This solution is boiled over a moderate fire. When pressed between two fingers if pāka becomes thready (Tantuvat), or when it sinks in water without getting easily dissolved, it should be removed from the fire. Fine powders of drugs are then added in small quantities and stirred continuously to form a homogenous mixture. Ghee or oil, if mentioned, is added while the preparation is still hot and mixed well. Honey, if mentioned is added when the preparation becomes cool and mixed well.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
Jaggery, sugar ==Characteristics==*The Lehya should neither be hard nor a thick fluid. When pulp of the drugs is added and ghee or sugar-candy oil is dissolved present in the liquid and strained to remove preparation, this can be rolled between the foreign particles. This solution is boiled over a moderate firefingers. When pressed between two fingers if pāka becomes thready (Tantuvat)metals are mentioned, or when it sinks in water without getting easily dissolved, it should be removed from the firebhasmas of the metals are used. Fine powders In case of drugs are then added in small quantities and stirred continuously like Bhallātaka, purification process is to form a homogenous mixturebe followed. Ghee  ==Preservation==*The Lehya should be kept in glass or oil, if mentioned, is added while the preparation is still hot and mixed wellporcelain jars. It can also be kept in a metal container which does not react with it. HoneyNormally, if mentioned is added when the preparation becomes cool and mixed wellLehyas should be used within one year.<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIAThe Ayurvedic formulary of India"/>
<ref name="The Ayurvedic formulary of India">The Ayurvedic formulary of India Part-III page no 39.</ref>

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