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Triphalā Ghṛta

1,031 bytes added, 6 years ago
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*A low melting Ghrta, green in colour, unctuous to touch with pleasant odour and bitter taste.
*Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
==Therapeutic uses==
*Arbuda (tumours), Kāmalā (Jaundice), Timira (Cataract), Visarpa (Erysepelas), Pradara (excessive vaginal discharge), Netra rujā (pain in eyes), Netra srāva (Lacrimation), Kāsa (cough), Kandū (itching), Rakta dosha (disorders of Blood), Śvayathu (oedema), Khālitya (Alopecia), Keśa patana (falling of hair), Vishama jvara (intermittent fever), Arma (Pterygium), Śukla netra roga (Eye disorders related to sclera) and Vartma roga (disorders of eyelids).
*12 g daily in divided doses. It can also be used in different Netra Kriyā kalpas.
*Warm milk, Warm water.
==Physico-chemical parameters==
{| class="wikitable"
|Refractive index at 400|| 1.452 to 1.455
|Weight per ml at 400|| 0.910g to 0.935g
|Saponification value|| 200 to 225
|Iodine value|| 35 to 45
|Acid value|| Not more than 3
|Peroxide value|| Not more than 5
|Congealing point|| 210 to 170

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