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Yoga Sūtras of Patanjali

615 bytes added, 6 years ago
Bit more from B.K.S. Iyengar's Light on YSP
'''Yoga Sūtras of PatanjaliPatañjali''' consists of 196 sūtras (verses aka aphorisms) written by Sage Patanjali Patañjali prior to 400 CE. The scripture has translated into many languages and regarded as the most precise and scientific text ever written on Yoga. Raja Yoga, a book written by Swami Vivekananda also has in-depth explanation of Yoga Sutras.
This Yoga is also known as Patanjali Patañjali Yoga, and widely known as Ashtanga Yoga or Raja Yoga.
It is divided into four chapters.
===Samādhi Pāda===
This chapter has 51 sutras, and it sheds light on Definition and Purpose of Yoga, Vritti (mental modification), Practice and Detachment, types of Samadhi, methods of harmonizing the mind, etc.
The chapter analyses the components of consciousness, and its behavioural patterns, how one can make these patterns stable from fluctuation to achieve inner integration.
===Sādhana Pāda===
This chapter on practice has 55 sutras, and it enlightens about klesha (basic tensions of life), Removal of klesha and its purpose, The Knower and the Known, Awareness and lack of awareness, The path to prajna (intuitive knowledge), Five limbs of the Ashtanga Yoga (The eight limbs of Patanjali Yoga), etc.
This chapter deals with the linking mechanism of yoga, what to do, what not to do and how to do, the ethical conduct, how to take the mind and body towards freedom and so on.
===Vibhūti Pāda===
This chapter on psychic powers has 56 sutras, and it discusses on rest Three limbs of the Ashtanga Yoga, and samyama (concentration, meditation and samadhi), parinama (transformations of consciousness) and psychic powers.
This chapter helps the mind connect with the soul.
===Kaivalya Pāda===
This chapter talks about oneness which has 34 sutras. Further it describes the cause of individuality, the individual and the cosmic mind, Karma (predestined actions and thoughts), Theory of perception, and the path to Kaivalya aka Nirvana, Moksha.
This chapter shows, how the mind dissolves into the consciousness, and consciousness into the soul and finally gets enlightenment.
==Ashtanga Yoga==
*[[Four Chapters on Freedom]] by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, published in 1976.
*[[Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali]] by B.K.S. Iyengar, published in 1966.
==External links==

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