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Acacia concinna - Bahuphenarasa

298 bytes added, 1 year ago
[[File:Bahuphenarasa.png|thumb|right|''Acacia concinna'', ''Bahuphenarasa'']]
[[File:Acacia concinna.jpg|thumb|right|''Acacia concinna'', "Shikakai"]]
[[File:Acacia sinuata 02.JPG|thumb|right|Acacia sinuata]] '''Bahuphenarasa ''' is a climbing shrub native to Asia, common in the warm plains of central and south India. It is commonly called as shikakai, Acacia hooperiana, Mimosa concinna etc. It's fruit is know known as shikakai in India and ಸಿಗೆಕಾಯಿ in kannada. It is one of the good herbal remedy remedies for hair. 
{{Uses|Black fever}}, {{Uses|Malaria}}, {{Uses|diabetesDiabetes}}, {{Uses|skin diseases.Chronic cough}}, {{Uses|Asthmetic obstruction}}, {{Uses|Jaundice}}<ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants"/>
==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|fruitsFruits}}, {{Parts Used|Bark}}, {{Parts Used|Leaves}}.<ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants"/>
==Chemical Composition==
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=Sheegae, Shige Sige kayi, Sigeballi|ml=Cheeyakayi, Chinik-kaya, Shikai, Cheenikka|sa=Aaavartaki|ta=Shika, Sheekay, Chikaikkai|te=Cheekaya, Chikaya, Gogu|hi=Kochi, Reetha|en=Shikakai, Soap-pod }}<ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants"/>
{{Habit|A large prickly climbing shrub}}
{{Leaf|alternateBipinnate|stipulateOblong|The leaves are alternate, stipulate, paripinnate compoundPinnae 4-7 pairs, very numerous, closely placed, rachis 8.8-12.5 cm 4cm long, narrowly furrowed, slender, pubescent, with an erect linear gland between the leaflets of each pair, leaflets 16; 20-2425 pairs, very shortly stalked 2-2.5 cm long 1-8 x 1.3 cm broad, slightly overlapping, oval oblong, obtuse, at both the ends7mm}}.<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|bisexualBisexual|2.5 cm long1cm across|bright yellowCream or white|5-20Many|The racemes Flower buds are few-floweredpurple or dark red, short, erect, crowded in axils of upper leaves so as to form a large terminal inflorescence stamens barren; the ovary is superior, unilocular, with marginal ovules.Plants flower January through April}}<ref name="Flower"/>
{{Fruit|short legumeA stout pod|715 x 2.5–11 cm long, 1.5 cm broad5cm|clearly grooved lengthwise, Lowest hooked hairs aligned towards crownFruit are on trees from February to March|oblong, obtuse, tipped with long style base, flat, thin, papery, undulately crimpled, pilose, pale brown.The seedpods are widely used as a soap substitute in India|1210-20 14 seeds}}
===Other features===
==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==
* [[Vishatinduka TailaSuriya Gold]] as ''root juice extract''
==Where to get the saplings==
==Mode of Propagation==
{{Propagation|Seeds}}, {{Propagation|Cuttings}}.
==How to plant/cultivate==
Plants reach about 3 m height with 3Acacia concinna can be grown from seeds.5 cm stem diameter in 2 years, in 4 years about 5 m height and 7 cm stem diameterThe seedlings can be transplanted. Flowering and fruiting is almost throughout the year, but in India there Seeds are usually two main flowering periods, one pretreated by soaking in the early monsoon and another cold water overnight then sowed in the late monsoonpolybag or beds.<ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/>
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|trophical regionTropical dry forests}}.
==Photo Gallery==
<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">
FileImage:OdermennigAcacia concinna.jpg|FlowerFileImage:Agrimonia 7787 qsbg11mar.jpg|Whole herbImage:Acacia concinna Blanco2.374.png|LeavesImageFile:Agrimonia eupatoria MHNTAcacia sinuata 02.BOTJPG|BudsFile:Acacia concinna (5505602571).2004jpg|PodsFile:Acacia concinna (5595237947).0jpg|LeavesFile:Acacia concinna of Tamilnadu.jpg|Dried pods
<ref name="chemical composition">[ "wikipedea"Wikipedea]</ref><ref name="Leaf">[ "eolherbsheet.ord"php?id=1850&cat=1 Herbarium JCB]</ref><ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[https Cultivation details]</ref><ref name="Flower">[http://wwwflorakarnataka.ces.iisc.prota4uac.orgin/databasehjcb2/protav8herbsheet.aspphp?gid=pe1850&pcat=Senna+auriculata+(L1 Herbarium JCB]</ref><ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants">"Karnataka Medicinal Plants Volume - 2" by Dr.M. R.)+RoxbGurudeva, Page No.704, Published by Divyachandra Prakashana, #45, Paapannana Tota, 1st Main road, Basaveshwara Nagara, Bengaluru. "prota4u"]</ref>
==External Links==
* [ Acacia concinna on]* [ Acacia concinna on] * [ Acacia concinna on]
[[Category:Ayurvedic herbs that don't have seed photos]]

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