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Dillenia indica - Bhavya

767 bytes removed, 3 years ago
{{Leaf|Simple|alternate|Petiole 15-75 mm long, stout, sheathing, winged, tomentose, grooved above; lamina 18.5-30 × 5-10 cm, elliptic, oblanceolate, elliptic-oblanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, base cuneate, acute or attenuate, apex acute or acuminate, margin serrate to dentate, glabrous above, strigose or pubescent beneath; lateral nerves many, parallel, prominent, intercostae scalariform, faint.}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Bisexual|Terminal|White||12-15 cm across, solitary, white, terminal; pedicel 4-8 cm long, silky hairy; bracts to 5 mm long, solitary, median on pedicels, lanceolate; sepals 5, 4-6 × 3-5 cm, obovate, orbicular or elliptic, thick, fleshy; petals 5, 7-9 × 5-6 cm, obovate or oblong, white, veins green; stamens many, cohering slightly at base, in 2 series, outer 13-15 mm long, inner ones 20-22 mm long, inner ones arching over the short outer ones; carpels 14-20, cohering at the axis, ovules many; styles free, 18-25 mm long, flattened, oblanceolate to linear-lanceolate, spreading, white. Pseudocarps yellowish-green, globular with enclosed sepals, 10-12 cm across. }}

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