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Ayurwiki:Featured Page/October/Week/2

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[[File:काफलAlpinia galanga2.jpgJPG|200px|thumb|right|''Katphala'', ''Myrica esculenta'']]
'''KatphalaGalangal''' is a small tree or large shrub native to the hills of northern India and Nepalrobust plant. It is found Growing in hilly regions of northern India and Nepal especially in the regions of Garhwal and Kumaon of Uttarakhand and western Nepal especially at elevations between large clumps that can be 2 - 3,000 .5 metres tall. A fairly well-known and 6widely used spice,000 feet. It is also found at elevations below 1500m mainly employed as a flavouring in the mid hills of Nepalfoods and as a medicinal plant.
'''Uses:''' FeversIndigestion, AsthmaColic, CoughsDysentery, RheumatismSkin diseases, CholeraEnlarged spleen, Respiratory diseases, BlotchesCancers of mouth, PimplesCancers of stomach, CatarrhSystemic infections, DysenteryCholera.
'''Chemical Composition:''' The fruits of Myrica nagi are known for their ravishing taste and have been reported for reducing sugarsIt contains Essential oil, containing α - pinene, tannins and Vitamin C22β - pinene, 23. It contains Gallic acidlimonene, Catechincineol, Chlorogenic acid terpinen - 4 - ol and ρ–coumaric acid in the ethanolic extract of the fruits were examined by HPLC analysisα - terpineol.
 <span style="width: 100%; background-color: #90EE90; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; text-align: right; clear: right; margin-left: 0;">[[Myrica esculenta Alpinia galanga - KatphalaKulañjana|Read more]]</span>

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