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Tragia involucrata - Duhsparsha

166 bytes added, 3 years ago
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[[File:Tragia involucrata 06.JPG|thumb|right|''Duhsparsha'', ''Tragia involucrata'']]
 '''Tragia involucrata''' is a perennial twinning herb, covered with stinging hairs. Flowers are borne in racemes in leaf axils. Female flowers are few, in lower part of inflorescence; and male flowers are many in the upper part. Fruit is a 3-lobed capsule, containing 3 round smooth seeds.This herb is belongs to Euphorbeaceae family.
{{Uses|Fever}}, {{Uses|Itching}}, {{Uses|Bronchits}}, {{Uses|Skin Diseases}}, {{Uses|Baldness}}.
==Chemical Composition==
Seeds yield a fixed oil containing about 62% linoleic acid and enzymes. They are also rich in proteins (Ghani, 2003).<ref name="chemical composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=Turike Balli|ml=Kodithoova, Cherukodithuva|sa=Vrischikali|ta=Kanchori|te=Telukondicettu|hi=Barhanta|en=stinging nettle}}.<ref name="Common names"/>
<ref name="chemical composition">[ "Chemical Constituents"]</ref> <ref name="Leaf">[ "Morphology"]</ref> <ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[Cultivation]</ref><ref name="CultivationCommon names"]>Karnataka Aushadhiya Sasyagalu By Dr.Maagadi R Gurudeva, Page no:63</ref>

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