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Asparagus racemosus - Shatavari

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[[File:Asparagus racemosus plant.JPG|thumb|right|''Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari)'']]
'''Asparagus racemosus''' is a species of asparagus. It is common throughout Nepal, Sri Lanka, India and the Himalayas. It grows one to two metres tall. It prefers to take root in gravelly, rocky soils high up in piedmont plains.
{{Uses|Gastric ulcers }}, {{Uses|Dyspepsia}}, {{Uses|Galactogogue}}, {{Uses|Intrinsic haemorrhage}}, {{Uses|Diarrhoea}}, {{Uses|Piles}}, {{Uses|Hoarseness of voice}}, {{Uses|Cough}}, {{Uses|Arthritis}}, {{Uses|Poisoning}}, {{Uses|Rejuvinative}}, {{Uses|Increases breast milk}}, {{Uses|Increase strength}}, {{Uses|Infertility}}<ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants"/>. ===Food===Shatavari can be used in food. White tuberous roots are eaten raw. Tender shoots are cooked as vegetable<ref name="Forest foods of Western Ghat"/>.
==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|Leaves}}, {{Parts Used|Roots}}<ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants"/>.
==Chemical composition==
==Common names==
{{Common names|kn=ಆಷಾಢಿ ಬೇರು Ashadi beru, ಹಲವು ಮಕ್ಕಳ ತಾಯಿ ಬೇರು Halavu makkala taayi beru,|ml=Sathavari|sa=Satamuli, Satavari|ta=Tannir-vittan|te=Abiruvu, Cella|hi=Shatamuli|en=Buttermilk root, Climbing asparagus, Water root, Wild asparagus, Wild carrot|sa= Satamuli, Satavari |mr= Shatamuli, Shatavari}}<ref name="Common names"/>
Madhura(sweet), Tikta(Bitter)
Guru(Heavy), Snigdha(Oily)
Sheeta(Cold Potency)
<ref name="Properties"/>
===PrabhavaNutritional components===Shatavari contains the Following nutritional components like Vitamin-A, B1, B2, B6 and C; Calcium, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Zinc<ref name="Forest foods of Western Ghat"/>
{{Flower|Clustered racemes|2-4cm long|White||Floers Flowers are in fragrant. Flowering from June-October}}
{{Fruit|Loose spiral|A berry, globose, red when ripe. Seeds 3-6, globose or angled|Fruting from October onwards|Seeds are yellow to brow.n brown in colour|Seeds 3-6}}
===Other features===
==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==
* [[Shatavari gulam]] * , [[Shatavaryadi ghrita]] * , [[Shatavaryadi churna]] * , [[Narasimha churna]] , [[Anutaila]], [[Abana]], [[Ashoka Grita]], [[Eranda paaka]], [[Ovoutoline]], [[Chandrakala Ras]], [[Diabecon]], [[Narayana Taila]], [[Prabhanjana vimardhana Taila]], [[Basant Kusumaakar Ras]], [[Mahatikta grita]], [[Mahanarayana taila]], [[Mahamaasha Taila]], [[Maharasnadi Kvata Churna]], [[Musali paaka]], [[Lakshmivilasa rasa]], [[Shatvaryadi Churna]]<ref name="Ayurvedic preparations"/>
==Where to get the saplings==
{{Propagation|Seeds}}, {{Propagation|Root division}}.
==How to plant/cultivateCultivation Details==Both seeds and crown rhizomes can be used for propagation. However, seeds are preferable on account of high production that makes up for low germination percentage in cultivation. Seeds may be collected from March to May when their colour changes from red to black. Seeds are sown in farm yard manure enriched soil. <ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/>. Shatavari is available through June to October<ref name="Forest foods of Western Ghat"/>.
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
Asparagus racemosus1.jpg|<center>Whole herb</center>
Shatavari 01.JPG|<center>Fruits</center>
<ref name=“Karnataka Medicinal Plants”>”Karnataka Medicinal Plants Volume-3” by Dr.M. R. Gurudeva, Page No.32, Published by Divyachandra Prakashana, #6/7, Kaalika Soudha, Balepete cross, Bengaluru</ref>
<ref name="Chemical composition>"[;year=2010;volume=4;issue=8;spage=215;epage=220;aulast=Negi "Chemical constituents of Asparagus"]</ref><ref name="Leaf">[ "Morphology"]</ref><ref name="Ayurvedic preparations">[ "Ayurvedic preparations"]</ref><ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ "Cultivation details]</ref><ref name="Common names">[ Common names]</ref><ref name="Forest foods of Western Ghat">"Forest food for Northern region of Western Ghats" by Dr. Mandar N. Datar and Dr. Anuradha S. Upadhye, Page No.1022, Published by Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science (MACS) Agharkar Research Institute, Gopal Ganesh Agarkar Road, Pune</ref><ref name="Karnataka Medicinal Plants">”Karnataka Medicinal Plants Volume-3” by Dr.M. R. Gurudeva, Page No.1183, Published by Divyachandra Prakashana, #6/7, Kaalika Soudha, Balepete cross, Bengaluru</ref><ref name="Properties">Referred by an article from Easy Ayurveda Website</ref>
==External Links==
* [ Plant profile, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari): A review]
* [ Satavari Shatavari on flowers of india]
* [ Asparagus racemosus on planet ayurveda]

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