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Cucumis melo - Birbhati

2,156 bytes added, 5 years ago
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{{Uses|Burns}}, {{Uses|Abrasions}}, {{Uses|Scrotal hernias}}.
==Parts Used==
{{Parts Used|Fruit}}, {{Parts Used|Seed}}.
==Chemical Composition==
<ref name="chemical composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Common names|sa= |en= |gu= |hi= |kn= |ks= |ml= |mr= |pa= |ta= |te=}}
Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.
Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)
{{Habit|Annual Climber}}
{{Leaf|Paripinnate|Oblong|Leaf Arrangementis Alternate-spiral}}<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Unisexual|2-4cm long|pink||Flowering throughout the year and In terminal and/or axillary pseudoracemes}}
{{Fruit|oblong pod|Thinly septate, pilose, wrinkled|||seeds upto 5|Fruiting throughout the year}}
===Other features===
==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==
==Where to get the saplings==
==Mode of Propagation==
==How to plant/cultivate==
Melons are cultivated from the warm temperate zone through to the tropics, where they can be grown at elevations up to 1,000 metres. They grow best in areas where annual daytime temperatures are within the range 18 - 30°c, but can tolerate 9 - 35°c.<ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/>
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|Wild situation}}, {{Commonly seen|Cultivated fields}}.
==Photo Gallery==
<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">
<ref name="chemical composition">[ "chemistry"]</ref>
<ref name="Leaf">[ "morphology"]</ref>
<ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ "Cultivation"]</ref>
==External Links==
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