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Balā Taila

923 bytes added, 6 years ago
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'''Balaa Balā Taila''' is a medicated oil preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation Composition given below with '''murcchitamūrcchita''' Tila taila as the basic ingredient
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"
| Bal¡ Balā (API) ||[[Sida cordifolia]]|| Rt.|| 4.800 kg
| Chinnaruh¡ Chinnaruhā (Gu·£c¢ Guḍūcī API) ||[[Tinospora cordifolia ]] ||St.|| 1.200 kg
| R¡sn¡ Rāsnā API ||[[Pluchea lancolata ]] [Alpinia officinarum (Official Substitute)] ||Rz. ||0.600 kg
| Jala API for decoction ||Potable Water|| – ||30.720 l
| Dadhimastu (Godadhi (API))|| Whey from curd of cow milk|| –|| 3.072 l
| IkÀu Niry¡sa Ikṣu Niryāsa (IkÀu Ikṣu API) ||[[Saccharum officinarum ]] ||St. juice|| 3.072 l
| áukta Śukta (K¡µjika Kāñjika (API)) ||Sour gruel ||–|| 3.072 l
| Taila (Tila Taila API) ||Sesame oil|| –|| 3.072 kg
| Ëjapaya Ājapaya (Aj¡dugdha Ajādugdha (API))|| Goat milk|| –|| 1.536 l
| áa¶h¢ Śaṭhī (áa¶¢ Śaṭī API)|| [[Hedychium spicatum ]]||Rz.|| 48 g
| Sarala API ||[[Pinus roxburghii roxburghi]] ||Ht. Wd. ||48 g
| D¡ru Dāru (Devad¡ru Devadāru API) ||[[Cedrus deodara]]|| Ht. Wd.|| 48 g
| El¡ Elā (S£kÀmail¡ Sūkṣmailā API) ||[[Elettaria cardamomum ]] ||Sd.|| 48 g
| MaµjiÀ¶h¡ Mañjiṣṭhā API|| [[Rubia cordifolia]]|| Rt.|| 48 g
| Aguru (Agaru API)|| [[Aquilaria agallocha]]|| Ht. Wd.|| 48 g
| Candana (Rakta candana API)|| [[Pterocarpus santalinus]]|| Ht. Wd.|| 48 g
| Padmaka API ||[[Prunus cerasoides]]|| Ht. Wd.|| 48 g
| Atibal¡ Atibalā API ||[[Abutilon indicum ]] ||Rt.|| 48 g
|Must¡ Mustā API ||[[Cyperus rotundus]]|| Rz.|| 48 g
| á£rpapar¸¢dvayaŚūrpaparṇīdvaya||||||
|a. Mudgapar¸¢ Mudgaparṇī API|| [[Phaseolus trilobus]]|| Pl.|| 48 g
|b. M¡Àapar¸¢ Māṣaparṇī API|| [[Teramnus labialis ]] ||Pl.|| 48 g
| Hare¸u Hareṇu (Re¸uk¡ Reṇukā (API)) ||[[Vitex agnus-castus ]] [Vitex negundo (Official Substitute)] ||Fr.|| 48 g
| YaÀ¶y¡hva Yaṣṭayāhva (YaÀ¶¢ Yaṣṭī API)|| [[Glycyrrhiza glabra ]] ||Rt.|| 48 g
| Surasa (Tulas¢ Tulasī API) ||[[Ocimum sanctum ]] ||Pl||. 48 g
| Vy¡ghranakha Vyāghranakha API ||[[Capparis sepiaria]]|| Fr.|| 48 g
| ÎÀabhaka Ṛṣabhaka (API)|| [[Microstylis wallichi ]] [Pueraria tuberosa (Official Substitute)]|| Rt. Tr. ||48 g
| J¢vaka Jīvaka API|| [[Microstylis wallichi ]] [Pueraria tuberosa (Official Substitute)]|| Rt .Tr.|| 48 g
| Pal¡¿a Palāśa rasa (Pal¡¿a Palāśa (API)) ||[[Butea monosperma]]|| Exd.|| 48 g
| N¢lik¡ Nīlikā (N¢l¢ Nīlī API) ||[[Indigofera tinctoria ]] ||Pl.|| 48 g
| J¡tiko¿a Jātikośa (J¡tipatr¢ Jātipatrī (API))|| Myrstica fragrans|| Ar.|| 48 g
| Sp¤kk¡ Spṛkkā API ||[[Anisomeles malabarica]]|| Pl.|| 48 g
| Ku´kuma Kuṅkuma API ||[[Crocus sativus ]] ||Stmn./Stg. ||48 g
| áaileya Śaileya API ||[[Parmelia perlata ]] ||Pl.|| 48 g
| J¡tik¡ Jātikā (J¡t¢phala Jātīphala API) || [[Myrstica fragrans ]] || Sd. || 48 g
| Ka¶phala Kaṭphala API || [[Myrica esculenta ]] (= M. nagi)|| St. Bk. || 48 g
| Ambu (Hr¢vera Hrīvera API) ||[[Coleus vettiveroides ]] ||Rt.|| 48 g
| Tvak API|| [[Cinnamomum zeylanicum ]] ||St. Bk. ||48 g
| Kunduruka (Kunduru API)|| [[Boswellia serrata ]] ||Exd. ||48 g
| Karp£ra Karpūra API|| Cinnamomum camphora Subl. Ext. of A. ||Pt. ||48 g
| TuruÀka Turuṣka API|| Liquidambar orientalis [Altingia excelsa (Official Substitute)] ||Exd.|| 48 g
| ár¢niv¡saka Śrīnivāsaka (Sarala API)|| [[Pinus roxburghii roxburghi]] ||Exd.|| 48 g
| Lava´ga Lavaṅga API ||[[Syzygium aromaticum]]|| Fr. Bd.|| 48 g
| Nakha (Vy¡ghranakha API)|| [[Capparis sepiaria]]|| Fr.|| 48 g
| Ka´kola Kaṅkola API ||[[Piper cubeba ]] ||Fr.|| 48 g
| KuÀ¶ha Kuṣṭha API ||[[Saussurea lappa]]|| Rt.|| 48 g
| M¡Æs¢ Māṃsī (Ja¶¡m¡Æs¢APIJatāmāṃsīAPI) ||[[Nardostachys jatamansi]]|| Rz.|| 48 g
| Priya´gu Priyaṅgu API ||[[Callicarpa macrophylla ]] ||Fl.|| 48 g
| Sthau¸eya Sthauṇeya API ||[[Taxus baccata ]] ||Lf. ||48 g
| Tagara API|| [[Valeriana wallichiiwallichi|Valeriana wallichi]]| Rz. ||48 g
| Dhy¡ma Dhyāma (RohiÀa Rohiṣa API) ||[[Cymbopogon martini]]|| Pl.|| 48 g
|Vac¡ Vacā API|| [[Acorus calamus ]] ||Rz.|| 48 g
| Madanaka (Madana API)|| [[Randia dumetorum ]] ||Fr. ||48 g
| Plava (Kaivarta Must¡ Mustā (API) )|| [[Cyperus scariosus ]] ||Rz.|| 48 g
| N¡gakesara Nāgakesara (N¡gake¿ara Nāgakeṣara API)|| Mesua ferrea Stmn.|||| 48 g
==Method of preparation==
*Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
*Treat Tila taila to prepare [[murcchitamūrcchita]] Tila taila.*A day prior to the [[sneha pakapāka]], iniate to prepare [[Mastu]].*Wash, clean, dry the ingredients numbered 1 to 3 of the Formulation Composition, powder separately and pass through 355 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 44) ([[kvatha kvātha dravya]]).*Add water for decoction to the kvatha kvātha dravya and soak for 4 h, heat and reduce the volume to one-tenth. Filter through muslin cloth to obtain [[kvathakvātha]].*Wash and clean the cut pieces of [[IkshuIkṣu]], and squeeze the juice and strain through muslin cloth to obtain Ikshu Ikṣu [[svarasa]].<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
==Therapeutic uses==
*Chardi (emesisEmesis), Gulma (abdominal Abdominal lump), Kasa Kāsa (coughCough), shvasa Śvāsa (Asthma), Jvara (feverFever), Murcca¡ Mūrcchā (syncopeSyncope), Kshata Kṣata (woundWound), Kshaya Kṣaya (Pthisis), Apasmara Apasmāra (Epilepsy), Vatavyadhi Vātavyādhi (diseases Diseases due to Vata dosha), Plihi Plīhā (splenic Splenic disease), shosha Śoṣa (cachexiaCachexia).
[[Category:Pages needs special charactersAyurvedic Medicine]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Emesis]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Abdominal lump]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Cough]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Asthma]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Fever]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Syncope]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Wound]]  [[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Pthisis]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Epilepsy]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Diseases due to Vata dosha]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Splenic disease]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Syncope]][[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Cachexia]]

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