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Prabhanjana vimardana Taila

3,615 bytes added, 1 year ago
Formulation composition
'''Prabhanjana vimardana Taila''' is a medicated oil preparation made with the ingredients in the Formulation Composition given below with m£rcchita Tila taila as the basic ingredient.
==Formulation composition==
{| class="wikitable"| Bal¡ (API) ||[[Sida cordifolia]]|| Rt. ||25.6 g|-| áat¡var¢ API ||[[Asparagus racemosus]]|| Rt. Tr.|| 25.6 g|-| áigru API ||[[Moringa oleifera]]||St. Bk.|| 25.6 g|-| Varu¸a API||[[Crataeva nurvala]]||St. Bk.|| 25.6 g|-| Arka API||[[Calotropis procera]]||Rt. ||25.6 g|-| Karaµjaka (Karaµja API)||[[Pongamia pinnata]]||St. Bk. ||25.6 g|-| Era¸·a API||[[Ricinus communis]]||Rt.|| 25.6 g|-| Kora¸¶a (Sahacara API) ||[[Barleria prionitis]]||Pl.|| 25.6 g|-| V¡jigandh¡ (A¿vagandh¡ API)||[[Withania somnifera]]||Rt.|| 25.6 g|-| Pras¡ri¸¢ API ||[[Paederia foetida]]||Pl. ||25.6 g|-| VariÀ¶ha Paµcam£la|||||||-|a. Bilva API ||[[Aegle marmelos]]||St. Bk. ||25.6 g|-|b. áyon¡ka API ||[[Oroxylum indicum]]||Rt.|| 25.6 g|-|c. Gambh¡r¢ API ||[[Gmelina arborea]]|| St. Bk. ||25.6 g|-|d. P¡¶al¡ API ||[[Stereospermum suaveolens]]||St. Bk.|| 25.6 g|-|e. Agnimantha API ||[[Clerodendrum phlomidis]]|| Rt.|| 25.6 g|-| Jala API|| for decoction Potable Water|| –|| 24.576 l|-|reduced to 6.144 l|||-| Taila (Tila Taila API) ||Sesame oil ||– ||1.536 kg|-| KÀ¢ra (Godugdha API)|| Cow milk|| – ||3.072 l|-| [[Dadhi]] (Godadhi (API)) ||Curd from cow milk|| –|| 1.536 kg|-| K¡µjika (API) ||Sour gruel|| – ||1.536 l|-| Tagara API ||[[Valeriana wallichi]]|| Rz. ||12 g|-| Amarak¡À¶ha (Devad¡ru API)||[[Cedrus deodar]]|| Ht. Wd.|| 12 g|-| El¡ (S£kÀmail¡ API) ||[[Elettaria cardamomum]]||Sd.|| 12 g|-| áu¸¶h¢ API||[[Zingiber officinale]]||Rz. ||12 g|-| SarÀapa API ||[[Brassica campestris]]||Sd.|| 12 g|-| Coraka API||[[Angelica glauca]]|| Rz.|| 12 g|-| áat¡hv¡ API||[[Anethum sowa]]|| Fr.|| 12 g|-| KuÀ¶ha API ||Saussurea lappa|| Rt.|| 12 g|-| Sindh£ttha (Saindhava Lava¸a (API))|| Rock salt|| –|| 12 g|-| R¡sn¡ API||[[Pluchea lanceolata]]||Rz.|| 12 g|-| K¡l¡nus¡rik¡(Meth¢ API)||[[Trigonella foenum-graecum]]|| Sd. ||12 g|-| Vac¡ API ||[[Acorus calamus]]|| Rz. ||12 g|-| Citraka API ||[[Plumbago zeylanica]]|| Rt.|| 12 g|-| M¡Æs¢ (Ja¶¡m¡Æs¢ API)|| Nardostachys jatamansi ||Rz. ||12 g|-| Sarala API ||Pinus roxburghii ||Ht. Wd. ||12 g|-| Ka¶urohi¸¢ (Ka¶uk¡ API) ||Picrorhiza kurroa|| Rz.|| 12 g|}
==Method of preparation==
*Wash, clean, dry the ingredients numbered 1 to 11 of the Formulation Composition, powder separately and pass through 355 µm I. S. sieve (sieve number 44) ([[kvatha dravya]]).
*Add water for decoction to the [[kvatha dravya]] and soak for 4 h, heat and reduce the volume to one-fourth. Filter through muslin cloth to obtain [[kvatha]].<ref name="AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA"/>
*Store in a cool place in tightly closed containers, protected from light and moisture.
==Therapeutic uses==
*Vatagulma (Abdominal lump due to vata dosha), Vatavidradhi (Abscess due to vata dosha), Antravrddhi (Hernia), sula (Pain), Ardita (Facial palsy), Vataroga (Diseases due to vata dosha /Neurological disease), Katisula (Lower backache), Prsthasula (Lumbago), Mudhagarbha (Malpresentation of the foetus).
*External application for Abhyanga.
*Medicated oil, golden yellow in color with a pleasant odour.
==Physico-chemical parameters==
{| class="wikitable"
|Refractive index at 400||1.451 to 1.464
|Specific gravity at 400||0.908 to 0.945
|Saponification value||187 to 204
|Iodine value||84 to 95
|Acid value||3 to 5
|Peroxide value||Not more than 6
[[Category:Ayurvedic Medicine]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Abdominal lump due to vata dosha]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Abscess due to vata dosha]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Hernia]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Pain]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Facial palsy]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Diseases due to vata dosha]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Neurological disease]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Lower backache]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Lumbago]]
[[Category:Therapeutic use of Formula - Malpresentation of the foetus]]

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