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Ayurwiki:Featured Page/July

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[[File:Boerhaavia diffusaBael15 Mounts Asit.jpg|thumb|right|''Punarnava'', ''Boerhavia diffusa''Bael fruit]]
'''PunarnavaShreephala''' is a species of flowering plant tree native to Bangladesh and India. It is present throughout Southeast Asia as a naturalized species.The tree is considered to be sacred by Hindus. Its fruits are used in the four o'clock family which is commonly known traditional medicine and as punarnavaa food throughout its range.
'''Uses:'''ObesityDiabetes, DropsyScurvy, Blood pressureHaemorrhoids, Gastric disturbancesCancer, AsthmaDysentery, JaundiceCholesterol, AnascaraRespiratory problem, AnaemiaDiarrhea, Internal inflammation, Indurated liverBreast milk.
'''Chemical Composition:'''Major components are sitosterol, esters Various phytoconstituents have been isolated from the various parts of sitosterol, punarnavine, boerhaavia acid, boeravinoneAegle marmelos, palmitic acid and many other compoundswhich may be categorized.
<span style="width: 100%; background-color: #90EE90; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; text-align: right; clear: right; margin-left: 0;">[[Artocarpus hirsutus Aegle marmelos - Wild Jack, Jungle JackShreephala|Read more]]</span>

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