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Tinospora cordifolia - Amrutha balli

2,153 bytes added, 4 years ago
[[File:Amrutha balli (Tinospora cordifolia)leaves.jpg|thumb|right|''Amrutha balli'']]  '''Tinospora cordifolia''' which is known by the common names '''heart-leaved moonseed, guduchi and giloy''' is an herbaceous vine of the family Menispermaceae indigenous to the tropical areas of India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.It's family is Menispermaceae.<ref name="Plant family"/>
{{Uses|Osteoarthritis}}, {{Uses|Pimples}}, {{Uses|Piles}}, {{Uses|Skin diseases}}, {{Uses|Diabetes}}, {{Uses|Blood pressure}}, {{Uses|Heart Diseases}}, {{Uses|Fever}}, {{Uses|Jaundice}}, {{Uses|Hyperacidity}}, {{Uses|Gout}}.
==Parts Used==
==Chemical Composition==
Terpenoids and alkaloids, Columbin, tinosporaside, jatrorhizine, palmatine, berberine, tembeterine, tinocordifolioside, phenylpropene disaccharides, choline, tinosporic acid, tinosporal, and tinosporon have been isolated from Tinospora cordifolia.<ref name="Chemical Composition"/>
==Common names==
{{Common names|sa=Amrithavalli, Amritha, Madhuparni, Guduchika, chinnobhaava|en=Heart-leaved moonseed|gu=Galac, Garo|hi=Giloe, Gurcha|kn=Amrutha ಅಮರ Amara, ಅಮೃತಬಳ್ಳಿ Amritaballi, ಉಗನಿ ಬಳ್ಳಿ Ugani balli|mlks=AmruthuAmrita, ChittamruthuGilo|saml=Guduchi, amrita, cinnodbhavaNerinjil|tamr=ShindilakodiGulvel|tepa=Tippa-teegaGilo|hita=geloySeendal, Seendil kodi|ente=Tinospora cordifoliaThippateega}}<ref name="Common names"/> ==Properties==Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.===Dravya======Rasa===Tikta, Kashaya===Guna===Laghu (Light)===Veerya===Ushna (heat)===Vipaka===Katu (Pungent)===Karma===Balya, [[Deepana]], Rasayana, Jvaraghna, Threedoshashamaka, Raktashodana
{{Leaf|Simple|No trichomes were found. The cross section shows a single layered epidermis Cordate|Apex abruptly acuminate, 5-15x 5-13 cm; petioles 2-7 cm long, margin entire, strong basal veins 5-7, impressed above and a wide zone of cortex composed of prominent beneath, lateral veins 2-3 to 4 layers of endodermispairs, veinlets fine and close}}.<ref name="Leaf"/>
{{Flower|Unisexual|Inflorescences up to 15cm long|Male flowers: main outer 3 sepals greenish-yellow, ovate 1-1.5 mm long, inner 3 elliptic, concave, 3-4 mm long; petals rhombic-clawed, externally papillose towards base, 2-2.5 mm long; stamen clavate, 3 mm long.||}}
{{Fruit|Drupe|6-7 mm long||Red, endocarp thinly bony, broadly elliptic to subrotund in outline|Seeds curved or half moon shape, endospermic, cotyledons flattened, leaflike, radicle short.}}
===Other features===
==List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used==
* [[Vishatinduka TailaCitraka Harītakī]] as ''root juice extract''* [[Amritarishta]]* [[Siva gutika]]* [[Guduchi satva]]* [[Mushalyadi churna]]<ref name="Ayurvedic preparations"/>
==Where to get the saplings==
==How to plant/cultivate==
The land is ploughed, harrowed, and made weed-free.A basal dose of FYM (farmyard manure) @ 10 tonnes per hectare and half dose of nitrogen (75 kg) are applied at the time of land preparation.About 2500 cuttings are required for plantation in 1 hectare of land.No specific treatment is required before sowing.<ref name="How to plant/cultivate"/>
==Commonly seen growing in areas==
{{Commonly seen|subtropical Subtropical and tropical climate area}}, {{Commonly seen|sandy Sandy loam soil}}.
==Photo Gallery==
<gallery class="left" caption="" widths="140px" heights="140px">
File:Tippa-tige (Telugu- తిప్పతీగె) (3052478898).jpg|LeafFile:Tinospora cordifolia leaves.jpg|LeavesFile:Gul-bel (Hindi- गुलबेल) (2349304194).jpg|FlowersFile:Tinospora cordifolia, heart-leaved moonseed,ചിറ്റമൃത് .jpg|Fruits
<ref name="How to plant/cultivate">[ "vikaspedia"Vikaspedia]</ref><ref name="Leaf">[httphttps://wwwindiabiodiversity.niscairorg/species/show/231352 Leaf morphology]</ref><ref name="Chemical Composition">THE AYURVEDIC PHARMACOPOEIA OF INDIA, PART-I, VOLUME-1, page no</ref><ref name="Ayurvedic preparations">[https:/sciencecommunication/ preparations]</tinospora%20cordifolia%20(guduchi)%20a%20reservoir%20plant%20for%20therapeutic%20applications%20a%20reviewref><ref name="Plant family">Karnataka Aushadhiya Sasyagalu By Dr.htm Maagadi R Gurudeva, Page no:13</ref><ref name="indian journalCommon names">[ Common names]</ref>
==External Links==
* [ cordifolia on home]* [ cordifolia on plant information]* [ cordifolia on nature]* [ cordifolia on Ncbi]
[[Category:Ayurvedic herbs that don't have seed photos]]

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