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Surabhi Mudra - Wish fulfilling

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Surabhi (Wish fulfilling) Mudra

Kamadhenu is the divine cow who dwells in heaven and grants all our wishes. Surabhi is the daughter of the divine cow Kamadhenu. Like the mother she also grants our prayers and she secretes nectar from her udders. this mudra represents the four udders of surabhi.


Form namaste and keep the thumbs apart. Join the tips of index fingers and middle fingers which are opposite to each other and then join little finger tips with the ring finger tips which are opposite to each other. The mudra formed looks like the udders of the cow. This is surabhi mudra.


Thumbs kept apart hepl reduce the fire. The joining of the tips of middle and index fingers and joining of the tips of ring fingers and little fingers removes the problems of bile and gout and rheumatism. As the eight fingers come together they active a number of nerve centres and glands especially adrenaline, pituitary and pineal.


  1. All the glands adrenaline, potuitary, pineal and thyroid function better.
  2. The three doshas- kapha, vata, pitta get balanced.
  3. Acidity is cured immediately.
  4. There i a lot of development in creativity. Novelty increases in every endeavour we take up.
  5. Desires and dreams are realized.
  6. To realize our dreams one has to perform this mudra for 10 minutes every day for at least 15 days.
  7. Surabhi mudra has its influence on our mind. It increases our power to think and helps blossoming of creative faculty. This mudra helps us to realize all our dreams.
  8. With Gayatri japa, this mudra improves the 'Aura' of the body.

There are various types of surabhi mudra performed by placing the thumb at the base of the elements.

  • Vayu Surabhi


While performing surabhi mudra place the thumb tips at the base of the index fingers so that vayu is increased.


Our mind is always wavering. Therefore, performing surabhi mudra while touching the base of the index finger with thumb tip, we acquire consistency and strength of mind. This mudra also helps in relieving aches and pains in the body.

  • Shoonya Surabhi


Shoonya surabhi mudra is formed by touching the tips of the thumbs to the base of the middle fingers while performing surabhi mudra.


Involving akasha element during the practice of surabhi mudra results in a calm and peaceful mind. Long practice can also help in hearing the cosmic sound.

  • Prithvi Surabhi


Prithvi surabhi mudra is formed by touching the tips of the thumbs to the base of the ring fingers while performing surabhi mudra.


This mudra removes lethargy, pacifies cough and improves digestion.

  • Jala Surabhi


Jala Surabhi mudra is formed by touching the tips of the thumbs to the base of the small fingers while performing surabhi mudra.


  • This mudra reduces the burning sensation by cooling the body.
  • Surabhi mudra is used in worship and gayatri chanting.
  • While performing worship we offer coconut, fruits, milk and sweet items to god. Then we form surabhi mudra and offer the above 'Naivedya'. The belief is that god accepts the offering when we perform this mudra. After the worship we accept the offering as the 'gift from god' - the prasad, and feel the energy level growing. Therefore, there is spiritual and scientific influence behind the offering with surabhi mudra.

== References ==

The above mentioned information is added from the book called "MUDRAS & HEALTH PERSPECTIVES" by "SUMAN.K.CHIPLUNKAR".