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Nārasiṁha cūrṇa
Revision as of 10:48, 11 September 2018 by Prabhakar (talk | contribs) (Prabhakar moved page Narasimha Churna to Nārasiṁha cūrṇa)
Narasimha Churna is an electuary prepared with the ingredients in the Formulation composition given below.
Formulation composition
áat¡var¢ Raja (áat¡var¢ API) | Asparagus racemosus | Rt. Tr. | 768 g |
GokÀura API | Tribulus terrestris | Fr. | 768 g |
V¡r¡h¢ API | Dioscorea bulbifera | Rz. | 960 g |
Gu·£c¢ API | Tinospora cordifolia | St. | 1.200 kg |
Bhall¡taka API (áuddha) | Semecarpus anacardium | Fr | . 1.536 kg |
Citraka API | Plumbago zeylanica | Rt. | 480 g |
Tila API | Sesamum indicum | Sd | . 768 g |
áu¸¶h¢ API | Zingiber officinale | Rz. | 128 g |
Marica API | Piper nigrum | Fr | . 128 g |
Pippal¢ API | Piper longum | Fr. | 128 g |
áarkar¡ API | Cane sugar | 3.360 kg | |
M¡kÀika (Madhu API) | Honey | 1.680 kg | |
Gh¤ta (Gogh¤ta API) | Clarified butter from cow s milk | 840 g | |
Vid¡r¢kanda Raja (Vid¡r¢ API) | Pueraria tuberose | Rt. Tr. | 768 g |
Method of preparation
- Take all ingredients of pharmacopoeial quality.
- Treat Bhallataka to prepare Bhallataka shuddha.
- Wash and dry the ingredients numbered 1 to 4, 6 to 10 and 14, powder individually in a pulverizer.
- The powders should completely pass through sieve number 44 and not less than 50 per cent through sievenumber 85.
- Weigh separately each ingredient, mix together and pass through sieve number 44 to obtain a homogenous blend.
- Add Madhu and Ghrta to the mixture and mix thoroughly till it spreads evenly to give a moist granular powder.
- Store the Churna in a ceramic jar smeared with ghee in its inner surface.[1]
- Brown-coloured, moist, granular powder, slightly pungent to taste with the characteristic smell of Bhallataka
- Store the Curna in a ceramic jar smeared with ghee on its inner surface and protect from light and moisture.
Therapeutic uses
- Kasa (cough), Kshaya (pthisis), shukra Kshaya (deficiency of semen), Jara (senility), Ruja (pain), Vali (wrinkles in the skin), Palita (graying of hair), Khalitya (alopecia), Meha (excessive flow of urine), Pandu (anaemia), adhyavata (gout), Pinasa (chronic rhinitis), Kustha (diseases of skin), Udara (disease of abdomen), Bhagandara (fistula-in-ano), Mutrakrcchra (dysuria, Grdhrasi (sciatica), Halimaka (chronic obstructive jaundice), Vatavikara (discorder due to Vata dosha), Pittavikara (disorder of pitta dosha), Arsa (piles), shlesmavikara (disorder due to kapha dosha).
- 2-5 g in divided doses.
- Milk, Ghee, Honey.
Physico-chemical parameters
Loss on drying at 105 degree | Not more than 9 per cent |
Total Ash | Not more than 4.0 per cent |
Acid insoluble ash | Not more than 1.2 per cent |
Alcohol-soluble extractive | Not less than 28 per cent |
Water-soluble extractive | Not less than 34 per cent |
Reducing suga | Not less than 5 per cent |
Total sugar | Not less than 5 per cent |
pH (5 % aqueous solution) | 3.96 to 4.08 |