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Mitragyna parvifolia - Bhumikadamba

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Bhumikadamba, Mitragyna parvifolia

Bhumikadamba is a deciduous tree growing up to 27 metres tall. The tree is harvested from the wild - it yields a valuable timber and has local medicinal uses.


Jaundice, Wound healing, Muscular pain, Fever, Burning sensation [1]

Parts Used

Bark, Leaves

Chemical Composition

Common names

Language Common name
Kannada kadaani, kadaani mara, kadaga, naikadaba, sannakadaba
Hindi kadam, kaim, kalam
Malayalam nirkadambu, sirukadambu
Tamil karpakkatampu, nirkkatampu, peykkatampai
Telugu battaganapu, botruga, neerukadimi
Marathi NA
Gujarathi NA
Punjabi NA
Kashmiri NA
Sanskrit bhumikadamba, dhulikadamba, vitanah



Reference: Dravya - Substance, Rasa - Taste, Guna - Qualities, Veerya - Potency, Vipaka - Post-digesion effect, Karma - Pharmacological activity, Prabhava - Therepeutics.












Kind Shape Feature
Simple opposite stipules 1 cm long, interpetiolar, ovate-oblong or obovate, foliaceous, membranous, cauducous; petiole 10-40 mm long, stout, grooved above, glabrous; lamina 5-16 cm x 2.5-10 cm, variable, ovate, orbicular, elliptic or ovate-oblong, base obtuse, attenuate, acute or subcordate, apex obtuse or round; margin entire, glabrous, coriaceous; lateral nerves 6-10 pairs, pinnate, prominent beneath; intercostae scalariform, slender; domatia present.



Type Size Color and composition Stamen More information
Bisexual Terminal heads Pale yellow 5 peduncle supported by a pair of bract like oblong leaves; bracteoles small, subulate; calyx tube short, truncate, rim even; corolla tube funnel shaped, 8 mm long, villous inside, lobes 4-5 oblong, reflexed; stamens 5, attached towards the apex of corolla tube; anthers apiculate; ovary 2-celled, inferior, ovules many; style filiform; stigma mitriform, hollow at base.


Type Size Mass Appearance Seeds More information
Capsules 2 - 3 mm ribbed, separating in to two cocci, brown; seeds many, small, 10-ribbed. {{{6}}}

Other features

List of Ayurvedic medicine in which the herb is used

Where to get the saplings

Mode of Propagation

Seeds, Cuttings.

How to plant/cultivate

The seeds are difficult to germinate in the nursery.

Commonly seen growing in areas

Tropical area, Sub tropical area

Photo Gallery


External Links